Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 22. Title: Create new and greater miracles that will impress the world in the new era and new journey - General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the closing meeting of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China caused a warm response

  Xinhua News Agency reporter

  "We are fully confident and capable of creating new and greater miracles that will impress the world in the new era and new journey."

  The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China concluded successfully in the Great Hall of the People on October 22.

General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the closing meeting, calling on the whole Party to unite closely around the Party Central Committee, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen historical self-confidence, strengthen historical initiative, dare to struggle, dare to win, work hard and forge ahead, Unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to strive for the realization of the goals and tasks set by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech was inspiring and aroused enthusiastic responses among the representatives of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the vast number of cadres and masses.

Everyone said that on the journey forward, we must deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve the "two maintenances", and fully implement Xi Jinping's new era of society with Chinese characteristics. ideology, keep in mind the original mission of the party, keep in mind that the country is the people, the people are the country, keep in mind the "big man of the country", work hard and move forward bravely, and unite and strive for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way. .

  Hold high the great banner and unite the forge ahead

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech that with the joint efforts of all the delegates, the conference achieved a complete success, achieving the purpose of unifying thoughts, strengthening confidence, clarifying the direction and inspiring fighting spirit.

This is a conference to hold high the flag, gather strength, and forge ahead in unity.

  Red flag hunting in Tiananmen Square.

After the closing meeting, he walked out of the Great Hall of the People. Representative Zheng Zhiming, chief technical expert of Guangxi Automobile Group Co., Ltd., was very excited and full of confidence.

  "The series of important results achieved by the conference have made the direction of our efforts clearer, the goals of our work clearer, and the pace of progress more solid." Having studied skills in the front-line workshops and engaged in R&D work for more than 20 years, Zheng Zhiming's belief in serving the country with skills has grown stronger. Firmly, "As an industrial worker, after returning to work, I will continue to work hard to overcome technical difficulties and contribute to accelerating the construction of a strong manufacturing country and achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance."

  The congress elects the new Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and adopts the resolution on the report of the 19th Central Committee, the resolution on the work report of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the resolution on the "Articles of the Communist Party of China (Amendment)" .

  "On the new journey, the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics is flying high, giving the whole party direction and guidance, and giving the people confidence and strength. It will surely lead the great ship of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to ride the wind and waves and set sail." The warm applause made representative Lai Jun, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone in Fujian Province, excited, "This conference has written the new development of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era into the Party Constitution since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. We must seriously Study and implement it, adhere to the continuous development of practice guided by the party's innovative theory, and advance the cause of the party and the people step by step."

  In the golden autumn season, Beijing Xiangshan Park is full of trees.

The Xiangshan Revolutionary Memorial Site (the former site) in the park attracts a group of tourists to visit.

  "More than 70 years ago, the CPC Central Committee set out from Xibaipo, Hebei Province to 'take the exam' in Beijing. Today, the party unites and leads the people to embark on a new road to take the exam." Representative Jia Li, head of the tour guide customer service team of Beijing Xiangshan Park, said that the journey is forging ahead. The waves are magnificent, and the original mission is timeless and firmer.

I will continue to tell the story of the party well, spread the red culture, and strive to gather stronger spiritual strength for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  In the northwest of the motherland, the Kashgar Comprehensive Bonded Zone in the southern part of Xinjiang is busy with trucks passing through it.

  "General Secretary Xi Jinping called on us to work hard to achieve the goals and tasks set by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. To promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way with Chinese-style modernization requires every party member and every Chinese to work hard together." Kashgar Comprehensive Bonded Zone Manager Ma Haitao, director of the committee, said, "We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, do a solid job in our own work, and contribute to the development of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation with the development of one place and one region."

  Draw a grand blueprint and show a bright future

  In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the report of the 19th Central Committee adopted by the conference "pointed out the direction and established the action guide for the development of the party and the country in the new era and new journey and the realization of the second centenary goal."

The delegates and the cadres and the masses expressed that they should focus on the central task of the party in the new era and new journey, strengthen historical self-confidence, strengthen historical initiative, and stride forward on the glorious road of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

  Wuyuan, Jiangxi, is picturesque.

Just during the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a happy event was held in Meizhou Village, Ancheng Street, Wuyuan County: a rural tourism project in the village was officially listed for bidding.

  "The thousand-year-old nanmu trees at the entrance of the village, and the river outside the village is meandering. Shangmeizhou Village's reputation for seeing mountains, water, and nostalgia is getting louder and louder among tourists." Li Guohua, Secretary of the Party Branch of Shangmeizhou Village The representative said, "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. To revitalize the countryside, we must make good use of our ecological advantages to attract more tourists to visit our beautiful mountains and rivers, and allow more villagers to enjoy the 'bonus' of development."

  In Jilin, in the high-speed EMU assembly workshop of CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicle Co., Ltd., brand-new "Fuxing" Chinese standard EMUs are lined up, ready to sail to all parts of the motherland.

  Hu Junxiang, senior technician of CRRC Changke Co., Ltd., witnessed and experienced the historic leap of China's high-speed rail from scratch, from chasing to running and then leading.

"China's miracles come from struggle and hard work, and China's achievements come from upholding innovation." He said, "Facing the future, we must strengthen original and leading scientific and technological breakthroughs, so that the 'Fuxing' can run faster and run more stably, and let China High-speed rail has become a shining card of Chinese-style modernization."

  "The next five years will be a critical period for the start of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way," said Kang Jun, director of the Gansu Provincial Development and Reform Commission. We will work hard on the system, and do a good job in the battle of advanced industrial foundation and industrial chain modernization."

  The forward momentum is stronger, the fighting spirit is more high-spirited, and the belief in victory is firmer.

  "The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to promote cultural self-confidence and self-improvement, and create a new brilliance of socialist culture." Representative Cao Hailing, deputy director of the Guizhou Academy of Culture and Art, said that as a cultural and art worker, I am very excited about this.

On the new journey, we must further explore the rich connotation of the Chinese excellent traditional culture of the times, and inject strong spiritual strength into the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

  Roll up your sleeves and work hard, rain or shine

  In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward three "must keep in mind" requirements to the delegates: we must keep in mind the original mission of the party; we must keep in mind that the country is the people, and the people are the country;

  Listening to General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech on the spot, Pei Chunliang, secretary of the Party branch of Peizhai Village, Zhangcun Township, Huixian City, Henan Province, took notes seriously.

"The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has come to a successful conclusion, and the heavy mission of the representatives of the 20th National Congress is still going on." He said, "I must practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and be a good leader, a good servant, and lead the people. The villagers are running with all their strength on the road of rural revitalization."

  The sonorous and powerful words of General Secretary Xi Jinping made representative Fu Suzhen, deputy director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Xingtai City People's Hospital of Hebei Province, feel the boundless power.

  "People first and life first are the most powerful proofs of our party's original intention to seek happiness for the people." She said, "As medical workers, we must work hard with a never-slack mental state to protect the health of the people. By."

  Representative Chen Ming, Secretary of the CPC Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, had a deep understanding of the general secretary's "remember the 'bigger of the country'".

He said that the times are the examiners, we are the answerers, and the people are the examiners.

As party members and leading cadres, we must constantly improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and always share weal and woe with the people, and have a heart-to-heart bond with the people. Benefiting achievements, handing over an excellent answer sheet to the party and the people.

  The stronger the youth, the stronger the country.

The great cause calls upon the youth to dedicate wisdom and strength.

  "Our younger generation must unswervingly listen to the party's words, follow the party's words, have ideals in mind, practice hard skills, and integrate the good years into the development of the party and the country." "Post-85" Jiefang Street Party in Sujiatun District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Representative Wu Shuxiang, Deputy Secretary of the Working Committee and Director of the Office, said that we must unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and work together to make the 20th Party Congress a reality. The grand blueprint becomes reality.

(Reporters Yang Yijun, Wang Sibei, Tan Moxiao, Luo Sha, Sun Shaolong)