Scenario 1: a person has received a bad decision at a social services office and got away with a firearm.

The police task force is tasked with neutralizing the perpetrator while taking care of the injured.

The empty high-rise Snusdosan is the place to play.

Scenario 2: a house construction blast goes horribly wrong.

Walls, windows and balconies are blown out and injured and dead people are everywhere in the remains of the house.

A demolition house in the SJ area has been put in order by LKAB and the building contractor for the purpose.

"Management and cooperation are the watchwords"

Blue light personnel from Norrbotten and Västerbotten participate in the large exercise that lasts for three days.

- We are about a hundred people who practice in the field moments at both locations.

Then there are upwards of 150 people who practice management inside the cultural center where you talk to municipalities, county administrative boards, MSB and other authorities.

Management and cooperation are the watchwords these days, says operations manager Trond Olofsson.

In the video, we visit both disaster areas and take a look at how the exercises unfold.