• United Kingdom The monarch who has waited forever to renew the Crown

  • Royalty Elizabeth II: 28,000 million in land, palaces and jewels and 500 kilos that will not be taxed

  • LOC What Camilla gives Carlos and that he did not find in Lady Di is what has made him queen

Almost 48 hours after the death of Queen

Elizabeth II


Charles III

will be officially proclaimed king today at a meeting of the Accession Council at St. James's Palace in London, which will be attended by his son,

Prince William


After the meeting of the Adhesion Council, the Main Proclamation announcing Carlos III

as sovereign

will be read from the balcony .

In addition, the flags will return to their maximum flagpole for 26 hours to commemorate the arrival of the new monarch after the proclamation.

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The new Princess of Wales, from commoner to future queen

The new

Princess of Wales

has become a role model for royalty since joining Britain's most famous family, displaying poise in her public appearances and dodging harsh criticism leveled at her sister-in-law Meghan.


married the now heir to the throne,

Prince William

, in 2011, and has been gaining prominence in public appearances as

Queen Elizabeth II

reduced her schedule of activities.

The couple, both in their 40s, played an important role during the coronavirus pandemic and have emerged in recent years among the most popular members of the Crown after the late sovereign.

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Preparations begin for Queen Elizabeth II's coffin in Edinburgh

Roads have been closed and barriers erected in the Scottish capital Edinburgh for the arrival of Queen

Elizabeth II

's coffin this weekend.

The coffin is expected to be transferred from Balmoral Castle, where he died, to the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh on Sunday.

Following this, members of the public will be able to parade in front of the coffin at St Giles Cathedral in the Scottish capital, before it travels to London on Tuesday.

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Isabel II: 28,000 million in land, palaces and jewels and 500 kilos that will not be taxed

It is in the public domain that the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth of England (96) was presumed to have an "incalculable" heritage that placed her at the head of the richest European monarchies together with the Luxembourg monarchy, which amounts to 4,000 million euros, the of Liechtenstein to 3,500 million or that of Monaco to 1,000.

Something shocking because

Elizabeth II was so sober that she ate her yogurt for breakfast in a taper

and he was turning off lights for his castles.

Among the properties awarded to him are palaces such as Kensington in London, where Princess Diana lived until her death, Balmoral in Scotland, the summer residence where the queen has died, Sandrigan, where the royal family spends Christmas, and the castle of Windsor or Buckinham Palace in London, among others.

Added to this are its extensions of land, which include

106,000 hectares of leased royal farms and 11,000 of forests

, in addition to gold and silver mines, a large part of the British seabed rented to energy companies to install offshore wind farms, and practically all of the luxurious premises and apartments on Regent Street, an important London commercial thoroughfare.

But the "incalculable", in addition to its astronomical amount, is relevant because of all this colossal heritage, it is impossible to quantify the sovereign's private fortune.

In the United Kingdom there is a law, the "royal exemption" to prevent Her Majesty's money from being in the public domain

, which is also exempt from paying taxes, although Elizabeth II contributed voluntarily to the Treasury since 1993. [Read the complete information here ]

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Carlos will be proclaimed king in the first televised ceremony

Charles III will be formally proclaimed king at 10:00 British time on Saturday in a ceremony at St. James's Palace.

It will be the first time that the Adhesion Council is televised.

Charles automatically became king the moment his mother died, so the council's proclamation will be ceremonial.

The Privy Councilors (a group made up of high level politicians), the Mayor of the City of London and other senior officials will attend.

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Queen Elizabeth II's Happy Last Days at Balmoral: "Smiles and Memories. Then the Sudden Collapse"


's final days

were "full of joy",

the Scottish church's Rev. Iain Greenshields, who spent the weekend at


with the

queen , told The



Last Saturday the prelate dined with the sovereign and on Sunday he had lunch with her, with Charles and Princess Anne: "It was a fantastic visit, the memory of her was absolutely amazing," he said.

"It was a big surprise for me," she added, "when I heard that she was seriously ill, because

over the weekend she was very fit


The queen has thus spent the last few weeks enjoying life in the country, which she has always liked.

During this time,

Elizabeth II


frequent visits from family members, including William and Catherine with her three children.

, but she was particularly close

to her son Eduardo with his wife Sophie and the two children of Margaret

, her sister.

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The British ambassador to Spain: "King Carlos III represents strength and stability"

The British ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliot, has stated that King

Charles III

is going to represent "a strength and stability of impressive solidity" and that with his proclamation tomorrow "a new stage opens."

After receiving King Felipe and Queen Letizia and the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, at his residence to express his condolences for the death of Queen

Elizabeth II

this Thursday , the ambassador thanked the press in statements to "the many messages of enormous affection and affection" that he has received since yesterday.

Elliot has indicated that these gestures respond to the "extraordinary" person that

Elizabeth II

was , "an exemplary life of public service. We appreciate the affection that reflects the closeness of our peoples."

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Carlos III, the monarch who has waited an eternity to renew the Crown

Charles of England

's "eternal wait"

, an expression coined by palace affairs expert Geoffrey Levy, ended with the sad death of his mother, the exact moment at which he automatically became the

new monarch for a grieving people


There are no vacancies, no power vacuums in constitutional monarchies, one of the reasons why the institution provides so much stability to political systems.

The queen is dead;

long live

the king

And his first decision, that of being recognized from now on as

Carlos III

, has shades of defiance to those who have been even for decades suspecting bad omens about his reign as birds of ill omen.

No good memory left the previous Carlos, nor the first and the second.

Hence the speculation, as in so many other things, that he would choose another of his names to face his new responsibility.

Although, beyond the trickery, what the new king must turn around is a whole current of opinion that is not insignificant among his fellow citizens who

fear that it will undermine the monarchy and divide

instead of generating consensus.

[Read the complete information here]

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King Charles III told his son Harry that he will not take Meghan Markle to Balmoral


Charles III



that it was neither right nor appropriate for


to be at Balmoral at such a deeply sad time," a source told

The Sun

newspaper .

According to the newspaper,

Carlos III

warned his son that

Kate Middleton

would not go and that only her closest family

should be present in the last moments of Queen

Elizabeth II .



made it very, very clear that


would not be welcome," the source says.

For its part, the

Daily Telegraph

reports that


was not initially summoned when the royals headed to Balmoral, as was his brother,

Prince William


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The United Kingdom enters a new era with the proclamation of Charles III

A council of high-ranking dignitaries is due to proclaim

Charles III

as king this Saturday, opening a new era in the history of the United Kingdom as it prepares to bid farewell to

Elizabeth II

, its guide for seven decades.

In his first televised speech as

Carlos III

, the new monarch praised his "beloved mother" on Friday, a "model" and an "inspiration" who vowed to dedicate his life "in the service of the people."

"I renew to all of you today that promise of lifelong service," he said in this speech from

Buckingham Palace


The eternal Prince of Wales succeeded his mother, Queen

Elizabeth II

, on Thursday, who died at the age of 96 in her Scottish castle of Balmoral after seven decades of reign, shocking the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the world.

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The Emperor of Japan will attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

Japan's Emperor Naruhito plans to attend Queen

Elizabeth II

's funeral , his first trip abroad since his succession in 2019, Japanese media reported.

The emperor had been invited to Britain by Queen

Elizabeth II

in 2020 after taking the throne in May 2019, but the trip was postponed due to the pandemic.

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6 o'clock

After the death of

Isabel II

at the age of 96, her eldest son,

Carlos III

, 73, will be formally proclaimed this Saturday as the new British monarch.

The ceremonial Ascension Council, made up of relevant political and social figures from the United Kingdom, as well as representatives of the 14 countries of the Commonwealth of Nations of which

Carlos III

is also head of state, will officially proclaim his ascension to the throne.

His coronation, a ceremony with great pomp and pageantry that requires more time to organize, will be held in the coming months.

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  • King Charles III of England

  • Elizabeth II of England

  • United Kingdom