Queen Elizabeth II bid farewell to life at the age of 96, Buckingham Palace announced yesterday evening, Thursday, thus becoming the second longest-reigning ruler in the world after King Louis XIV of France, who died in 1715.

The reign of Queen Elizabeth II was marked by several record numbers and remarkable things. In this article, we present to you the defining numbers in the life of the Queen.

Number 0

The Queen toured the world, but she did not have a passport because passports were issued in her name and she was exempt from it.

For the same reason, she did not need a driver's licence.

number 1

The Queen once allowed television cameras to film her family life in a documentary that aired in 1969. She regretted it and did not repeat the experience.

The Queen had 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren (Reuters)

number 2

The Queen celebrated her birthday twice a year.

On April 21, the date of her birth, and on the second Saturday of June, which is her official birthday, which is celebrated in that month due to the more favorable weather for a military and air parade in London.

Number 4

At the age of four, the Queen got her first horse, which she named "Peggy", a gift from her father, King George VI.

And then her great passion for horse riding began.

Number 16

It is the number of British prime ministers who headed the government during her tenure.

The first of them was Winston Churchill and the last of them was Liz Terrace.

Number 14

During her reign, 14 presidents came to power in the United States.

Queen Elizabeth greets former US President Donald Trump (Getty)

Number 17

"17 Burton Street";

It is the address of the elegant home in London's upscale Mayfair district where Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born on April 21, 1926.

Number 25

The age at which Elizabeth became queen with the death of her father, King George VI.

Number 30

Queen Elizabeth loved dogs and acquired more than 30 corgidorgis during her reign, most of them descended from her first corgi and called Susan, which was introduced to Elizabeth when she was 18 years old in 1944.

Number 39

Number of kings who have preceded her since William the Conqueror in 1066.

Number 70

Her reign lasted for 70 years, 7 months and 2 days, the longest in the history of what became known as the United Kingdom.

Queen Elizabeth II's life with Prince Philip spanned more than 7 decades (Getty Images)

Number 73

The number of years Elizabeth II married Prince Philip, who died in 2021.

Number 117

The number of countries visited by the late Queen who traveled about 1.7 million kilometers across the world.

In 2002 - the year of her golden jubilee - and coinciding with the 50th anniversary of her accession to the throne, she covered more than 48 thousand kilometers in the United Kingdom and the world.

Number 250

The number of participants in her coronation march in 1953.

Number 300

The number of greeting cards sent by the Queen to congratulate people celebrating their 100th birthday.

Number 626

The number of organizations (charities and associations) that it sponsored.

Number 900

The number of greeting cards the Queen sent to couples on their 60th wedding anniversary.

The number A

The number of boats that came from across the UK, the Commonwealth and the rest of the world to the Thames in London in 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of their accession to the throne.

Organizers said it was the largest gathering of its kind on the Thames since the reign of Charles II three centuries ago.

Queen Elizabeth II's wedding dress was encrusted with 10,000 pearls (Getty Images)

Number 8251

The number of people invited to her coronation at Westminster Abbey.

129 countries and regions were represented at the ceremony.

Number 10 thousand

The number of pearls imported from the United States used to make the wedding dress of Elizabeth, who married Prince Philip on November 20, 1947.

The number is 50 thousand

Number of people invited to receptions in the palace gardens and annual food banquets organized by the Queen.

Garden receptions drew more than 1.45 million people during her reign.

The number is 33 million and 446 thousand and 430

The duration of the reign of Elizabeth II in minutes at 17:30 on the ninth of September 2015 when she broke the period of Queen Victoria's reign, thus becoming the longest reign of all British monarchs.

Queen Elizabeth is among the richest monarchs in the world (Getty Images)

 The number is 370 million

Her personal fortune is in pounds sterling, according to the Sunday Times estimates in 2022. According to some accounts, she was ranked 12th among the world's richest monarchs.

In 2021, Forbes magazine chose her as the 70th most powerful woman in the world.