France: a National Refoundation Council behind closed doors and with an uncertain outcome

Emmanuel Macron at the launch of the National Council for Refoundation in Marcoussis, September 8, 2022. AFP - MICHEL EULER

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Emmanuel Macron launched, this Thursday, September 8, the National Council for Refoundation (CNR): a match behind closed doors with many absentees and with an uncertain outcome.

The Head of State invited around fifty representatives of the country's active forces to talk about the challenges ahead.

But the opposition parties and a large part of the unions are boycotting this still unidentified political object. 


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With our special

correspondent ,

Julien Chavanne 

At the National Rugby Center in Marcoussis, near Paris where this National Council for Refoundation is held, skepticism dominates among the participants who are doubtful, questioning, even perplexed.

The forty guests who responded to the invitation of the Head of State are waiting to see what this day will bring. 

I'm coming.

I am a Republican


 I'm not sure that this is the best method for working seriously, and in the skills, in particular, which are those of the departments of France,

estimates François Sauvadet, the president of the Assembly of the departments of France


Now he invites us, I come.

I am a Republican.

I'm not going to put myself in opposition.

Today we have such challenges for the French.

We must all stand alongside the French to succeed in this challenge that is before us. 


He came, but many were absent.

The right and left opponents are not there, nor are the CGT and FO unions.

Too bad for them, replies Emmanuel Macron: “

 The twelve who are not there are wrong.

Because when we have a mandate, we have a mandate to represent, to speak and even to come and say that we don't agree.

When you're not there, you shouldn't explain afterwards that you weren't consulted, or that it's too vertical, or too this, or too that. 


away from the cameras

As for the decor: the Élysée has installed a large square table in the middle of a training ground for the French rugby team.

Discussions that take place behind closed doors, away from the cameras.

Participants were also asked to leave their mobile phones in closed lockers.  

To read: Why the oppositions are boycotting the National Council for Refoundation wanted by Emmanuel Macron


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  • France

  • Emmanuel Macron

  • French politics