The Kremlin: Putin's schedule will not allow him to attend the funeral of Mikhail Gorbachev

The Kremlin announced Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not attend the funeral of Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, who died Tuesday night at the age of 91.

"We know that the main ceremonies will be held on September 3, as well as the funeral, but the president's schedule will not allow him to attend," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the press.

He explained that Putin had previously gone to the hospital where Gorbachev died in Moscow "to put flowers near his coffin."

Peskov noted that there will be "state funeral elements" during Gorbachev's funeral, in particular the participation of the "guard of honor", and that this will be organized "with the help of the state."

Gorbachev died on Tuesday evening "after a long struggle with a serious illness," according to the Russian presidential hospital where he was being treated.

Gorbachev, who came to power in 1985, is highly respected in Western countries, while some Russians blame him for his contribution to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Gorbachev was the last surviving Cold War-era leader that has reverberated since current Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to invade Ukraine on February 24.

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