According to the UN report, there is support for claims of human rights violations and a systematic oppression of ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

Stories of torture are seen as credible and the UN is demanding urgent action from the international community.

Why the report came out right now has a lot to do with Michelle Bachelet's resignation, says Ulrika Bergsten.

- Michelle Bachelet and her delegation were able to visit Xinjiang and China in May this year, after almost a year's delay and many back and forths, says Ulrika Bergsten.

"Like something in a worse spy reel"

SVT's Asia correspondent Ulrika Bergsten has covered the issue for several years, and during a trip to the province she ended up in a situation with local police that she herself calls "like something in a worse spy role".

- Journalists are constantly asked to go there to see that accusations of human rights violations and the Western world's image of the region are not true.

But already 20 minutes after checking into our hotel in Kashgar, we were approached by the police, who threateningly described how bad things would go for us if we filmed people who didn't want to be filmed, even though filming in public is actually allowed in China, says she.

How has China reacted to the report and what happens now?

Hear SVT's Asia correspondent in the clip above.