“She was remarkably smart.

She was absolutely charming.

And she was very mild-mannered, which is generally uncharacteristic for any political environment.

That is, she was open to... well... a wide variety of political views and beliefs.

That is, leftists, rightists, reasonable liberals, centrists there, these or those radicals - she listened attentively.

At the same time, she had an inner core there, such, maybe hereditary, maybe her own, ”he said.

At the same time, Prilepin noted that Dugin had a strong character and many other positive traits.

“Strength, of course, is of a certain nature.

And such clarity of consciousness.

At the same time, such a girlish and spontaneity, and charm.

Those eyes are shining and flashing.

There were a lot of wonderful things about her,” he added.

Daria Dugina died on the evening of August 20 in the Moscow region.

The attackers blew up the car in which she was.

The Investigative Committee is of the opinion that the murder of Dugina was planned and ordered.

More details in the material RT.