Today, Saturday, supporters of the Sadrist movement stormed the Iraqi parliament building for the second time in 4 days, while Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi called for the protection of demonstrators and state institutions.

Thousands of supporters of the Sadrist movement began to flow since the early morning hours of the day to Tahrir Square in the center of the capital, Baghdad, and hundreds of them crossed the Jumhuriya Bridge to the Green Zone, where the government and parliament buildings and many diplomatic bodies are, in protest against a possible session of Parliament to elect a new president and to nominate a candidate for a position. Prime Minister.

During the demonstrations, a number of injured were injured, while Al-Jazeera correspondent in Baghdad, Amir Fendi, quoted eyewitnesses as one of the protesters was killed, and it was not known whether the injuries were as a result of the clash with the security forces or because of the stampede.

Al-Jazeera correspondent in Baghdad reported that supporters of the Sadrist movement had threatened to demonstrate and storm Parliament if the session was held.

The massive demonstration came despite the strict security measures imposed since yesterday on the vicinity of the Green Zone, where the parliament building is located.

Today's demonstrations by the Sadrist movement come four days after the supporters of the movement stormed the Iraqi parliament to protest against the Shiite coordination framework's announcement of the nomination of Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to head the next Iraqi government.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces stressed that the security forces have a duty to protect official institutions, and stressed the need to take all legal measures to maintain order.

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces

July 30, 2022

— Media Office of the Prime Minister 🇮🇶 (@IraqiPMO) July 30, 2022

For its part, Iraqi security sources confirmed the issuance of strict orders not to clash with the demonstrators.

In the same context, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi said that the security forces have a duty to protect official institutions, and it is necessary to take all legal measures to maintain order, and urged the demonstrators to abide by the directives of the security forces "whose aim is to protect them and institutions."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces stressed that the security forces have a duty to protect official institutions, and stressed the need to take all legal measures to maintain order.

Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces

July 30, 2022

— Media Office of the Prime Minister 🇮🇶 (@IraqiPMO) July 30, 2022

Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, who is close to the leader of the Sadrist movement, held the political blocs responsible for any attack on peaceful demonstrators.

There is no parliament session

In the context, sources in the media department of the Iraqi parliament told Al Jazeera that there is no scheduled session for the parliament today.

The sources added to Al Jazeera that the council has not set a date for the next session so far.

The session was scheduled to be devoted to electing a President of the Republic and naming the next candidate for the post of Prime Minister.

In a related context, local sources said that supporters of the Sadrist movement closed offices of the al-Hikma movement led by Ammar al-Hakim in separate areas of the capital, Baghdad, yesterday, because of al-Hakim's recent statements regarding the formation of the government and the demonstrations.

Al-Hakim had said that he would not stand idly by in front of what he described as the sounds of sedition, stressing the framework's adherence to Al-Sudani's nomination for the post of prime minister.

Al-Hakim said in front of a large gathering of his supporters in Al-Khilani Square in central Baghdad, "I call for there to be a clear mechanism for choosing the president of the republic and not to keep this in the scenes and closed meetings, and the Kurds should either agree on a candidate or go with two candidates, and the choice is left to Parliament soon ".

In his speech, Al-Hakim stressed that the political forces should "open a page for serious dialogue in a spirit worthy of Iraq, based on mutual trust and joint action in making strategic decisions and fighting sedition, because the unity of Iraq is a red line."

Since yesterday, the Green Zone has witnessed strict security measures by increasing the number of concrete barriers and closing roads leading to it, after the Sadrist movement’s supporters threatened to storm the Green Zone again, in protest against the nomination of the coordination framework, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, as a candidate for the post of prime minister.

Last Wednesday, thousands of Sadrist supporters stormed the House of Representatives building inside the Green Zone, in protest against Al-Sudani's nomination for the position of prime minister, and they stayed inside the building for about 3 hours, before they withdrew from it at the invitation of Muqtada al-Sadr.


Meanwhile, the coordinating framework confirmed its adherence to Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani as a candidate for prime minister, and the framework called on all political forces to agree before the parliament session.

The Shiite coordinating framework in Iraq called on the political forces to be consistent in their stance towards completing the constitutional dues before the parliament session devoted to electing the president of the republic.

For its part, the Iraqi Sovereignty Alliance announced that it will not attend the next parliament session unless there is an understanding on the demands of its masses and allies in the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Massoud Barzani, and in the Sadrist movement as well.

A statement by the coalition stressed the need to find a comprehensive national understanding before entering into any details related to the next government, and stressed that the logic of exclusivity would only bring more instability to Iraq.