China promises to respond “vigorously” in the event of Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

AP - J. Scott Applewhite

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Beijing will retaliate with "strong measures" if US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan in August.

The warning comes after the Pentagon deemed the visit inappropriate.


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With our correspondent in Beijing


Stéphane Lagarde

What could be the reaction of China if the trip of the Speaker of the House of Representatives is maintained?

Not only is Chinese diplomacy not giving up, but it is driving the point home.

While the White House has just recalled the proximity of a new phone call between the Chinese and American presidents, planned "within ten days", Beijing makes it known that this visit by Nancy Pelosi, if it takes place, "

would shake the political foundations of Sino-US relations



the American state apparatus is divided

on the question does not change anything, hammer from the state media, the Chinese position, it does not change.

Biden says call with Xi due within 'next 10 days', casts doubt on Pelosi trip

— South China Morning Post (@SCMPNews) July 20, 2022

Red line not to cross

The words of one of the Foreign Ministry spokespersons two days ago were widely picked up on social media in Beijing, with

the addition of a warrior soundtrack


The US Congress is part of the US government, but China opposes any official relationship between Washington and Taipei that would go against the principle of one China


Serious violation

”, “

red line

” not to be crossed, Beijing has lit all the “warnings”, evoking a “


” response which would go beyond mere rhetoric.

Hence perhaps

the warning of the military

in the United States, visibly worried that China could take advantage of this to demonstrate its

de facto

sovereignty by controlling the air and sea space around the island.

People's Liberation Army fighter jets could '


' House Speaker's plane, former

Global Times editor suggested to his 20 million Weibo followers

, which would allow them to fly over Taiwan.

Threats in the air or reality?

For many observers, if this trip is maintained, turbulence is to be feared.

To read also:

The United States ready to use force to defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion by China


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