• Live War in Ukraine

The president of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenski, has dismissed this Sunday his General Prosecutor,

Irina Venediktova,

and the head of the country's Security Services,

Ivan Bakanov

, for "inadequate performance of their duties with the consequent cost of human lives", announced through his account on the social network Telegram.

This is the largest reorganization of his Government carried out since the beginning of the Russian invasion at the end of February.

Zelensky assured that more than 60 employees of the Prosecutor's Office and the Security Service of Ukraine who led the dismissed remained in the occupied territories and

"work against our state".

The official also said that connections had been detected

between the Ukrainian security forces

and Russia's special services, which "constituted a crime against the foundations of national security."

Venediktova will be replaced by

Oleksiy Simonenko

while Bakalov's replacement, who until now was considered among the president's closest circle of friends, has not been announced.

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  • Ukraine

  • Telegram

  • Russia

  • War Ukraine Russia