China News Agency, Beijing, March 20. Comprehensive news: The Ukrainian government said on the 19th that all parties reached an agreement on the opening of 10 humanitarian channels on the same day.

Both Russia and Ukraine said that the evacuation of people and the delivery of humanitarian supplies continued.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for a comprehensive peace negotiation on the 19th. The Russian foreign minister said on the same day that the United States has been interfering and obstructing the negotiation process.

  All parties agree to open 10 humanitarian channels

  Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Veresyuk said on the 19th that the parties reached an agreement on the opening of 10 humanitarian channels on the same day, and the Ukrainian side will send a convoy to Mariupol on the same day to evacuate the local people to Berdyansk, Zaporozhye Oblast. In addition, a number of humanitarian channels have also been opened in Kyiv and Luhansk. Ukraine plans to deliver 4 vehicles of humanitarian supplies to Kherson on the same day.

  The mayor of Lviv, Ukraine, said on social media on the 18th that a permanent humanitarian aid point will be established in Lviv.

He also said in an interview with the media that there is an urgent need for food, medicine, container houses, mobile showers and toilets.

  According to the news released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian army provided about 75 tons of humanitarian supplies to Kherson Oblast in southern Ukraine on the 19th.

  According to a joint investigation report released by the International Organization for Migration on the 18th, nearly 6.5 million people have been displaced in Ukraine, and more than 3.2 million people have fled from Ukraine.

The United Nations said a large number of displaced people were forced to take refuge in crowded places with limited sanitation and medical services, which could exacerbate the spread of the new coronavirus in Ukraine.

  Russian army uses "Dagger" hypersonic missile to hit Ukrainian military targets

  Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov confirmed on the 19th that the Russian army used the "Dagger" hypersonic missile system to destroy a large underground missile and aviation ammunition depot in the Ivano-Frankivsk region of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the 18th. , and used the "bastion" coastal defense missile system to destroy several Ukrainian radio engineering intelligence centers in Odessa.

  Konashenkov said on the 19th that since the Russian side launched a special military operation, the Russian army has destroyed 196 UAVs, 1,438 tanks and other armored vehicles, 145 multiple rocket launchers, 556 field artillery and forced weapons. artillery, 1237 special military vehicles.

  The battle report issued by the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the 19th stated that the Russian army killed about 14,400 in the operation against Ukraine, lost 466 tanks, 1,470 armored vehicles, 213 sets of artillery systems, 72 sets of multiple rocket launchers, and 44 sets of air defense systems. , 95 fixed-wing aircraft, 115 helicopters, 914 cars, 3 ships, 60 fuel transport vehicles, and 17 tactical drones.

  Reuters reported on the 19th that the United States has informally proposed to Turkey to send the Russian-made S-400 air defense missile system owned by Turkey to Ukraine, according to three sources.

The Turkish government has yet to comment on any U.S. proposal to "transfer the S-400 system," the report said.

Analysts believe that the implementation of the proposal is unlikely.

  Russia-Ukraine talks may drag on for weeks, Russian foreign minister says U.S. interferes in talks

  Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke on the phone with Luxembourg Prime Minister Bertel on the 19th.

This is the second phone call between the two sides on the situation in Ukraine this week.

According to the Russian President's website, Bertel briefed Putin on his contacts with leaders of Ukraine and other countries, and Putin also outlined his main assessment of the Russian-Ukrainian negotiation process.

Putin said that the Ukrainian armed forces continued to carry out missile attacks on Donetsk and Luhansk, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties.

U.S. military-biological activity in Ukraine is unacceptable and poses a great danger to Russia and Europe as a whole.

  According to Reuters, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a video speech at an event in Switzerland on the 19th, calling on Russia to conduct comprehensive peace talks and urging Switzerland to do more.

Agence France-Presse reported that Swiss Confederation President Cassis said that Switzerland was ready to play a mediating role and could organize talks between Russia and Ukraine.

  According to the Ukrainian President’s website, Zelensky released a video speech on the 18th, saying that the EU will provide Ukraine with a second macro-financial aid of 300 million euros, and Ukraine and the EU are discussing further sanctions against Russia.

Zelensky's official social media account posted a message on the same day that Zelensky had a phone call with European Council President Michel.

  Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said on the 19th that negotiations between Russia and Ukraine continued, but the United States has been interfering and obstructing the negotiation process.

He expressed the hope that the special military operation will end with the signing of the Ukraine neutrality agreement while guaranteeing Ukraine's security.

Lavrov also said, "We will not push forward the initiative to ease relations with the West, we will see how they get out of the impasse they created."

  Podoljak, an adviser to the Ukrainian President's Office, said on the 18th that negotiations between the two sides may be delayed for several weeks due to the "mutual exclusion" position of Ukraine and Russia.

He said that the Ukrainian side will never compromise in some respects, "We cannot give up any territory."

  Russian media report that the United States is studying to exclude Russia from GPS satellite navigation system

  According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on the 19th, the United States is studying the exclusion of Russia from the GPS satellite navigation system.

The Russian side believes that there is no need to be nervous about this, because Russia has the GLONASS system, which is installed on all smartphones and can work normally even if the GPS system is cut off.

  A few days ago, the European Space Agency also announced that it will indefinitely suspend the ExoMars rover mission in cooperation with Roscosmos.

Russia said it would complete the mission independently.

(End) (Reporters involved: Tian Bing, Zhang Shuo, Xiao Xin)