The Israeli occupation army admitted its inability to launch an attack on Iran without preparing for a battle in the first circle, on the Lebanese front, Syria and the Gaza Strip.

And the report - which summarizes the operations carried out by the army and the security situation on various fronts during 2021 - stated that the army will not be able to strike the Iranian nuclear facility, Fordow, while it has the necessary weapons to target others, such as the Natanz facility in central Iran, according to Hebrew media.

The report indicated that Israel was quick to obtain purchases in the field of interceptor missiles for air defense batteries, and ammunition for the air force, and to enhance the readiness of the ground forces, to face the battles on several fronts.

The report considered that the main challenge for the army and defense system in Israel "is the radical Shiite axis, from Iran through Iraq to its positioning in Lebanon and Syria, and after that (the threat comes to) the Palestinian arena."

The report expected that Iran would obtain a nuclear bomb within two years, but even if it had 5 such bombs, it would not rush to use them.


According to the report, the army in general enjoys great freedom of action in Lebanese airspace, but the situation of the Israeli Air Force has worsened over the past year with the entry of air defense systems into the area.

He said that on the border with Lebanon, a decrease in the infiltration of Hezbollah drones was observed during 2021, but they still infiltrate a lot and serve the organization in collecting intelligence information on Israeli forces and bases.

In total, Hezbollah drones carried out 74 sorties across the Israeli border in 2021, compared to 94 in the previous year, according to the Israeli report.

In the past year, 31 rockets and missiles were launched from Lebanon towards Israel, which were responded to by 15 missiles from Israeli combat aircraft and about 200 artillery shells.

The Israeli army said it paid special attention to disrupting Hezbollah's precision missile project.


The Israeli army said that dozens of targets were targeted inside Syria.

According to army data, smuggling routes to Syria by air, land and sea were closed by 70% during 2021.

According to the data of the Israeli army, the number of anti-aircraft missiles launched by the Syrian regime forces on Israeli fighters carrying out offensive operations inside the country increased during 2021, when hundreds of these missiles were launched.

West Bank

The report says that 397 weapons were seized, 9 weapons-manufacturing workshops were closed, in addition to the confiscation of funds earmarked for financing what it called terrorist activities, amounting to 11,386,270 shekels (about 3 million and 615 thousand dollars).

The Israeli army also said that it had arrested 2,899 Palestinians for interrogation this year, and the Palestinians carried out 100 attacks on Israelis, including ramming and stabbing attempts.

Nevertheless, the report indicated that the year 2021 witnessed the lowest number of deaths among Israelis in the West Bank (two deaths), compared to 3 in 2020, 5 in 2019, and 14 in 2018.

Gaza strip

In a related context, the army said in its report that the smart security barrier was completed after 3.5 years, as the barrier includes advanced capabilities and hundreds of cameras, radars, sensors and alarms.

During the period following the Israeli aggression on Gaza last May, the Palestinian factions in Gaza fired 5 rockets towards Israel, an indicator that is the lowest compared to the number of rockets launched from Gaza after the previous military campaigns, according to the same report.

military relations

According to the report, the signing of normalization agreements with Arab countries and the establishment of a "moderate" Arab alliance led to military cooperation between Israel and the "moderate" Arab countries under the banner of the US Army's Central Command, which was not possible in the past.

He explained that Israel shares "other countries in intelligence information against the extremist Shiite axis, and works jointly with them in defense and offensive missions."