“RT DE was removed from YouTube in September for violating our terms of use.

If the channel is deleted, the owner of the channel cannot use, own or create any other YouTube channels, ”Google quoted TASS as saying.

The company explained that the RT auf Sendung channel was also removed due to an alleged violation of the terms of use of the platform, namely, due to circumvention of the restrictions already introduced.

Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented on the removal of the RT DE channel on YouTube.

According to her, "everyone congratulates on the premiere as best he can."

YouTube removed the new RT DE channel on the day of the broadcast.

On September 28, the head of RT DE and Ruptly Dinara Toktosunova announced that YouTube had deleted two German RT channels, RT DE and Der Fehlende Part, without the right to restore. 

RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan, commenting on the deletion of the channels, noted that this is "a real media war declared by the state of Germany against the state of Russia."