China News Agency, Beijing, November 8 (Reporter Huang Yuqin) In response to a drone attack on the prime minister’s residence in the "Green Zone" of Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated at a regular press conference on the 8th that China condemned the attack. Acts in the residence of the Iraqi Prime Minister.

  A reporter asked a question. According to reports, in the early morning of November 7, local time, the Prime Minister’s residence in the "Green Zone" of Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, was attacked by drones. The Iraqi Guardian Prime Minister Khadimi was not injured.

What is China's comment?

  Wang Wenbin said that China condemns the attack on the Iraqi Prime Minister's residence.

Currently, the political process in Iraq is at a critical juncture. China hopes that the various factions in Iraq will strengthen their unity and jointly maintain national security and stability.

  Another reporter asked. Recently, two terrorist attacks occurred in the Tiraberg Region of Niger, killing more than 80 people, including the mayor of Banipangu.

what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue?

  Wang Wenbin said that China strongly condemns the terrorist attack in the Tilaberg region of Niger, expresses condolences to the victims and condolences to the families of the victims.

  Wang Wenbin said that China firmly opposes all forms of terrorism and will continue to firmly support the efforts of the Niger government to maintain national stability and people’s security.
