The House will meet at 8:00 a.m. (12:00 p.m. GMT), Democratic officials said Thursday evening, to vote on the president's two gigantic programs, which are supposed to "rebuild" America.

A "historic" and "transformative" project, said a spokesperson for the White House, Karine Jean-Pierre, earlier.

Under pressure after a stinging defeat in a local election, Democrats in Congress struggled Thursday to tune their violins, and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had promised: "We will adopt these two plans."

Because time was running out.

Struggles between the left wing of Joe Biden's party and more moderate elected officials were robbing the president of a political victory he desperately needs to breathe new life into his presidency.

US President Joe Biden at the White House, November 3, 2021 MANDEL NGAN AFP

"There is an emergency", hammered Karine Jean-Pierre.

The president's spending programs are popular with Americans, according to polls.

And a study by Moody's published Thursday estimated the number of jobs that these plans could create in ten years at 1.5 million.

One year before the elections

But Joe Biden, who praised his negotiating skills during the presidential campaign because of his long career as a senator, stumbled over divisions in his party and watched helplessly as his popularity plummeted.

Before his tour to the G20 and COP26 summits, the president had already visited Capitol Hill twice to speed up the passage of his two flagship projects:

First, a plan to renovate the country's dilapidated roads, bridges and transport.

The $ 1.2 trillion envelope - the equivalent of Spain's GDP - is backed by Democrats and some Republicans.

Another, gigantic social and climate component, called "Build Back Better", which plans to reduce childcare costs and invest $ 550 billion to significantly reduce gas emissions. greenhouse effect by 2030.

But his efforts were unsuccessful.

Back from Europe, the president, visibly impatient, urged his troops to get in order.

"The Democrats have never been so close to finalizing and adopting" these plans, the Democratic leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer, replied Thursday.

US Senator Joe Manchin in the US Congress, September 28, 2021 Patrick Semansky POOL / AFP

But their fate is actually in the hands of an elected official who refuses for the moment to support them, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

In view of the very thin Democratic majority in the Senate, this elected official has virtually a right of veto on these projects.

He reiterated Thursday morning his concerns about their impact on US public debt and inflation.

In his state, one of the poorest in America, "people are terrified by the rise in the price of gasoline, food, public services," he told CNN.

One way of denouncing the expenditure deemed excessive by his party, accused of not having known how to take the pulse of the country, to the point of having lost control of Virginia on Tuesday, a state which had however mostly voted for Joe Biden at the presidential election of 2020.

An observation all the more gloomy as this election served as a dress rehearsal before future political battles: the entire country will be called to the polls for the legislative elections of mid-term in November 2022.

Joe Biden's party could then lose control of both chambers, which would further complicate the passage of any major reform.

© 2021 AFP