In a submission published on Saturday, the US National Archives lists all documents that Donald Trump wants to prevent Congress from taking part in.

These include notes from Trump's closest associates, memoranda to the White House press secretary and draft speeches given by the then president on January 6 - a speech that many consider to be the decisive spark that ignited Trump supporters' storming of Congress.

Test the authority of Congress

Earlier this month, the former president's legal representatives filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington DC.

It was in connection with the special committee in the House of Representatives investigating the congressional attack requesting that documents and call lists from the days around the riot be handed over to the committee.

But in his lawsuit, Trump opposes the committee's request for access to documents from his time as president, citing that it is too extensive and includes documents unrelated to January 6.

He has also invoked what in English is called "executive privilege", that is, the legal protection that encompasses the power of the presidency.

Donald Trump also wants to block Congress from taking part in the White House's official diary, in which all his activities, travels and telephone conversations are recorded.

The lawsuit is likely to involve a court trial that tests congressional authority and ability to review the presidency.

What Trump knew

Incumbent President Joe Biden recently approved that the commission of inquiry initially have access to a total of 125 pages of documents.

Congressional investigators are trying to get evidence of what Trump knew about the plans to storm Congress before that happened, as well as what measures he took in the meantime.

Trump is thus demanding that the court annul the document requests, which would mean that the US National Archives is not allowed to release the material.

Even if his attempt fails, the lawsuit is likely to delay publication for several months.

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The Storming of the Capitol - This has happened