China News Agency, Beijing, August 17-On August 16, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Brinken at an appointment, focusing on exchanges of views on the situation in Afghanistan and Sino-US relations.

  Brinken thanked China for participating in the Doha meeting on Afghanistan, saying that the current situation in Afghanistan is entering a critical phase.

The Taliban should make a clean break with extremism, choose an orderly transfer of power and establish an inclusive government, and expect China to play an important role in this.

The United States recognizes that the future of Afghanistan should be decided by the Afghan people, and calls on the Taliban to ensure the safety of all people who wish to leave Afghanistan.

  Wang Yi clarified China’s position on the situation in Afghanistan, saying that facts have once again proved that it is difficult to gain a foothold by mechanically applying foreign models to countries with completely different history, culture and national conditions.

A regime cannot stand without the support of the people. Solving problems with power and military means will only increase problems.

The lessons in this regard deserve serious reflection.

  Wang Yi said that China is willing to communicate and dialogue with the US to promote the realization of a soft landing on the Afghan issue, so that Azerbaijan will no longer have a new civil war or humanitarian disaster, and will no longer become a breeding ground and shelter for terrorism, and encourage Afghan to establish an open-minded country that is in line with the national conditions of Afghanistan. Inclusive political structure.

  Wang Yi said that the United States should play a constructive role in helping Avi to stabilize, prevent chaos, and rebuild peace.

The U.S. hastily withdrawing its troops in the previous period has already had a serious negative impact on the situation in Afghanistan. The next step is to create new problems, not to mention a responsible attitude.

  Wang Yi emphasized that the last US administration announced that it would withdraw the "Eastern Iraq Movement" as a terrorist organization and apply double standards on the issue of counter-terrorism. This is dangerous and wrong.

The U.S. should change its course and remove obstacles to China-U.S.-Arab cooperation and international anti-terrorism cooperation.

  Wang Yi further stated that China and the United States are both permanent members of the UN Security Council and important participants in the contemporary international system.

Faced with endless global challenges and urgent regional hotspot issues, China and the United States should carry out coordination and cooperation. This is also the common expectation of the international community.

However, the United States cannot deliberately constrain and suppress China on the one hand and harm China’s legitimate rights and interests; on the other hand, it should also count on China’s support and cooperation.

This kind of logic has never existed in international exchanges.

China and the United States are different in ideology, social system, history and culture. This is an objective fact, and no one can change each other. The correct approach is to jointly seek a way for the two great powers to coexist peacefully on this planet on the basis of mutual respect.

History will inevitably prove that no matter what the US intends, Sino-US relations should ultimately only seek such a future, and there is only such a way to go.

The US should pursue a rational and pragmatic policy toward China, respect China’s core interests and major concerns, and in accordance with the spirit of the conversation between the two heads of state, strengthen dialogue, manage differences, and push Sino-US relations back on track as soon as possible.

  Brinken said that it is very important for the United States and China to maintain communication on major international and regional issues.

He agreed that achieving peaceful coexistence between the United States and China is a common goal, and hopes that both sides will seek and develop cooperation.

Of course, there are also obvious differences between the United States and China, which can be resolved step by step in a constructive way in the future.

The US reaffirms its opposition to all forms of terrorism and does not seek turbulence in the western border areas of China.

The evolution of the situation in Afghanistan once again shows that it is very important for the United States and China to cooperate on regional security issues in a constructive and pragmatic manner.
