• Vaccini, Speranza: "Continue with 500 thousand doses a day, we are at 53 million"


July 05 2021 According to the latest update of the data of the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours there have been 

480 new cases

, compared to 74,649 tests carried out, and 

31 deaths

. Yesterday there were 808 cases with 12 deaths and 141,640 swabs.

The ratio of new cases to tests performed remains unchanged at



The total number of hospitalized in Italy is 1,528 patients, with a decrease of 33 cases compared to yesterday. Of these, 191 are in intensive care, with a decrease of 6 units. 42,003 people are in home isolation, 1,100 fewer in the last 24 hours. There are 4,092,586 people discharged and recovered, an increase of 1,582 units.

The total of currently positives in Italy is 43,531 cases, ie 1,133 fewer than the last survey.

There are 31 deaths in the last 24 hours for a total of 127,680 Covid-19 victims since the beginning of the pandemic in Italy.

The total cases are 4,263,797 (+480).

The tests / swabs in the last 24 hours were 74,649, which is -66,991 less than the previous day.

The regions that recorded the highest number of new daily cases are












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Updated data in Italy and around the world.