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03 July 2021

The updated situation in Italy and in the world

There are 932 new Covid cases in Italy in the last 24 hours, against the 794 of yesterday and above all the 838 of last Saturday, confirming that the decline that had continued steadily for 15 weeks is starting to reverse the trend. This is what emerges from the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health.

There are 228,127 swabs, 19,000 more than yesterday, and the positivity rate remains stable at 0.4%.

The deaths are 22 (yesterday 28), for a total of 127,637 victims since the beginning of the epidemic. Hospitalizations are still decreasing, with intensive therapies that are 9 fewer (yesterday -16) with just two admissions of the day, never so few in 2021 (both in Campania) and are 204.

Ordinary hospitalizations are 75 fewer (yesterday -63), 1,394 in all.

The region with the most cases today is Lombardy with 140 new positives; followed by Campania (+139), Sicily (+134), Lazio (+85), Veneto (+66) and Emilia Romagna (+65). The total cases thus rise to 4,262,511.

The healed are 3,110 (yesterday 2,345), for a total of 4,089,298 since the beginning of the pandemic. The currently positive decrease of 2,203 units (yesterday 1,579 units'), and drop to 45,576 in all, of which 43,978 in home isolation.