Four variants of the coronavirus that trigger Covid-19 are currently in circulation in Germany and Hesse. The so-called alpha variant strongly dominates the other viruses. The delta variant appeared in a good six percent of all tests. However, it is spreading rapidly, as stated in a short study by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). According to reports, the delta variant has already triggered lung disease in those who have been vaccinated, as two preventive injections are actually supposed to prevent. In view of this, the Hessian Minister of Social Affairs and Health Kai Klose (Die Grünen) warns: “We all have seventeen more than exhausting months behind us, with everything that Corona has demanded of us. We mustn't jeopardize the positive development of the last few weeks. ”People should continue to apply the rules of hygiene.According to the RKI, almost half of the people in Hessen are vaccinated against Covid-19.

Thorsten Winter

Business editor and internet coordinator in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

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    The ministry is monitoring the progress of the infection, also and especially with a view to the situation in the clinics.

    Hessian hospitals recently treated 114 corona patients in normal wards and 128 Covid patients in intensive care units;

    In addition, there were 117 suspected cases, as the Ministry of Social Affairs announced to the FAZ.

    The trend is downward: And: "We know that we will have to expect further new coronavirus variants in the foreseeable future," says Klose.

    Three Hessian regions with an incidence below three

    In the meantime, positive data has arrived from the RKI on the infection process.

    Again, the health authorities have not even reported half as many new corona cases as a week ago.

    The incidence continues to fall and is now almost in line with the central indicator in the federal government.

    According to this, only Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Saarland reported more nine infections under 100,000 inhabitants than Hesse within a week.

    The front runner is Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with an incidence of only three.

    Three districts in Hesse do just as well or better.

    Half of the regions of Hesse now have a single-digit code.

    With the Groß-Gerau district slipping below the 35 mark, the entire Corona map lights up in rapeseed yellow.

    The RKI reports 113 new cases after 253 a week ago and 653 four weeks ago.

    Since the pandemic began in March of last year, 289,930 people in Hesse have officially been infected with a variant of the corona virus.

    That is about 4.4 percent of the country's population.

    Within a month the incidence slipped from 75 to a good 11.

    Vogelsberg has the lowest value in Hesse with 1.9, followed by Schwalm-Eder-Kreis with 2.2 and the Hochtaunus with three.

    At the end of the table, the Groß-Gerau district is 29, Frankfurt has 16 and Wiesbaden has a good 20. The state capital is loosening the mask requirement in parts of the city center on Monday.

    According to the RKI, two more deaths in connection with Covid-19 have to be mourned after two reported a week ago.

    Since March last year, 7,462 people have officially died of or with Covid-19 in Hesse.

    49.6 percent of the Hessians with the first vaccination

    After an intermediate spurt, Hessen is losing ground again in vaccination compared to the federal government: 49.6 percent of people in Hessen have so far received a first vaccination against the coronavirus.

    Hessen is now 0.5 points below the federal average.

    Bremen is in the lead with 53.5 - Rhineland-Palatinate comes in at 48.6.

    In the case of the fully vaccinated, Hesse lags more clearly behind the federal mean.

    Hessen has 27.4 percent, which is 2.2 percentage points below the average.

    A good 3.12 million people in Hessen are vaccinated at least once.

    Resident doctors and staff have so far administered more than 1.4 vaccinations, as the Ministry of Social Affairs has announced. Since the beginning of April, the general practitioners' practices in Hesse have also been vaccinated against Covid-19, a little later the specialist practices and, since June 7th, the company doctors have been added. "Now it is important not to let up: get vaccinated as soon as you receive a vaccination offer - so that we are also prepared for autumn," is the appeal.