“We are in favor of assessing this situation not in a rush, in a hurry, but on the basis of all available information, especially since the representative of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry made a detailed statement, stressed the readiness of the Belarusian authorities to act in this matter transparently, readiness to follow all international rules,” - said Lavrov.

He noted that this is a reasonable approach.

Earlier, the press secretary of the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov said that the situation with the landing of the Ryanair aircraft in Minsk should be given a sober assessment.

On Sunday, May 23, a Ryanair plane on the Athens-Vilnius flight urgently landed in Minsk.

According to reports, this was due to a bomb report on board.

The founder of the NEXTA Telegram channel recognized as extremist in Belarus, Roman Protasevich, was flying in this airliner, who was detained after landing.