
Grevenbroich (dpa / lnw) - The driver who was seriously injured at a level crossing in Grevenbroich (Rhein-Kreis Neuss) after a collision with a train was on the run from a police check.

As a police spokesman said on Tuesday morning, the driver should be subjected to a traffic control on Monday, but accelerated.

In front of the barred level crossing, the driver had passed waiting cars on the left, the half-barrier had already been closed.

While trying to drive over the level crossing, his car was hit by a train.

According to the fire department, the man was seriously injured.

The passengers and the train driver of the regional train were unharmed.

The railway line and the surrounding streets were temporarily closed.

As the fire brigade had further announced, the driver was able to free himself from the completely deformed wreckage of his car.

He had been taken to a hospital.

There was initially no information on property damage.

When they received notification of this collision, the firefighters were on their way back from a mission on the country road near the Grevenbroich district of Neurath.

There a woman had hit a tree head-on with her car.

She was taken to a clinic, seriously injured.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210504-99-457602 / 3

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