
Kiel (dpa / lno) - In the districts of Pinneberg and Segeberg as well as in the city of Flensburg, increased protective measures against the corona virus come into force on Thursday due to the high number of infections.

There, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants was over 100 within a week on at least three consecutive days. This triggers a mechanism decided by the state government.

In Flensburg, the value recently fluctuated around 100.

From now on, households in the two districts mentioned and in Flensburg are only allowed to meet with one other person.

This applies to both private and public spaces.

Children under the age of 14 do not count.

Daycare centers should only offer emergency care.

School lessons will not start again until April 19 after the Easter break.

In addition, shops for daily needs such as grocery stores, drug stores, weekly markets or hardware stores are only allowed to open.

Also, only one person from a household is allowed to shop.

In the rest of the retail trade, only pre-ordered goods may be picked up.


For services with physical contact, customers in counties and urban districts with a seven-day incidence over 100 must present a negative corona test.

This applies, for example, to cosmetic studios or massage parlors - but not to medically and nursing services as well as visits to hairdressers or nail salons.

Sport is only possible with further restrictions.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210401-99-50419 / 2

State government on the corona situation

Current regulations of the country