
Stuttgart (dpa) - The mathematical chances of a new edition of the green-red alliance in Baden-Württemberg are increasing.

According to a new projection by infratest dimap from 9.44 p.m. for ARD, both parties would have a majority of two seats in the new state parliament.

According to this, the Greens would provide 55 of the 148 MPs with 32.6 percent (2016: 30.3 percent) of the votes; the SPD would come to 20 after its historically poor performance with 11.5 percent (2016: 12.7 percent) Seats.

The co-ruling CDU would slip to 23.5 percent (2016: 27.0 percent) and 40 seats after losses.

According to an extrapolation, the FDP has increased to 10.4 percent (2016: 8.3 percent), and 17 MPs would then come from the Liberals in future.

The AfD landed at 9.8 percent (2016: 15.1 percent) and 16 MPs.

According to the projection of the Wahlen / ZDF research group from 9:50 p.m., on the other hand, it is not enough for green-red.

The coalition comes with a different calculation to 78 seats, but, according to ZDF extrapolation, would need 79 members for an absolute majority.


The distribution of seats in Baden-Württemberg is complicated because it depends on the still unclear distribution of direct, second and overhang seats.

According to ZDF, a decision on green-red can only be expected with a preliminary official final result.

According to the latest extrapolation, the Greens had their best result in a state election in Baden-Württemberg, while the SPD achieved a historically poor result.

The Greens and the SPD had already ruled together from 2011 to 2016.

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