
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The Green Minister of Social Affairs Manne Lucha has again won the election in the constituency of Ravensburg.

With 33.2 percent of the vote, the Green politician won the direct mandate, as the preliminary results of the Ravensburg district show on Sunday evening.

The incumbent minister clearly prevailed against the CDU candidate August Schuler (23.7 percent).

In the 2016 election, Lucha landed with 33.1 percent of the vote, just ahead of the CDU applicant Schuler with 31 percent approval.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210314-99-821852 / 2


State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg for election

Information on the parties in Baden-Württemberg

State statistical office on previous state elections


State Parliament of Baden-Wuerttemberg

Homepage CDU Baden-Württemberg

Homepage of the AfD in Baden-Württemberg


Homepage of the SPD in Baden-Württemberg

Homepage of the FDP in Baden-Württemberg

Homepage of the Greens in Baden-Württemberg

Homepage The Left in Baden-Württemberg

Speed ​​dial program Die Linke Baden-Württemberg

Electoral program of the CDU Baden-Württemberg

Electoral manifestation of the SPD Baden-Württemberg


Election program of the FDP in Baden-Württemberg

Speed ​​dial program of the AfD in Baden-Württemberg

Election program of the Greens in Baden-Wuerttemberg

SWR television duel Kretschmann / Eisenmann on Youtube

Overview of all candidates and their websites for the state election 2021

Overview of the admitted applicants in the constituencies

Overview and biographies of the top candidates

Overview of election topics and election statements of the parties


Overview of parliamentary groups of the parties in the state parliament and their representatives

Overview of state governments since 1952

Election archive - everything about the elections 1952 - 2016

Homepage State Returning Officer Cornelia Nesch