In the last 24 hours, 2,286 people have died with covid-19, according to the country's authorities.

On Tuesday, however, 1954 with covid-19.

A total of 270,656 people have died with covid-19, it is only in the United States that more people have died from the coronavirus.

Iva places near end

In a report, the Fiocruz Institute, based in Rio de Janeiro, warns that Brazil's healthcare system is close to succumbing to the number of covid-19 patients.

In the cities of Porto Alegre and Campo Grande, the intensive care units have already run out, reports the BBC.

In 15 state capitals, more than 90 percent of the intensive care units are occupied.

Only two of a total of 27 state capitals have an IVA occupancy rate of less than 80 percent, according to a report from the Fiocruz Institute.

Bolsonaro: "Stop whining"

Despite the numbers, President Jair Bolsonaro has continued to tone down the threat from covid-19.

- Stop whining!

How long are you going to keep on grinding, the president said at an event last week.

- How long are you going to stay home?

How long are you going to keep everything closed?

People can not take this anymore, he continued.

Four percent vaccinated

So far, just over eight million people have received their first vaccine dose in Brazil, which corresponds to just over four percent of the population.

Local shutdowns have been introduced in several parts of the country.

South America's largest metropolis, São Paulo, is once again partially closed, as is Rio de Janeiro.