
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - The state of Brandenburg does not have to pay a restaurateur any compensation for the pandemic-related closure of his business.

The Potsdam district court dismissed the man's suit on Wednesday.

"There is no basis that would grant him the asserted claim - especially not from the Infection Protection Act," said spokeswoman Sabine Dießelhorst after the verdict was announced.

The operator of the hotel and restaurant Schloss Diedersdorf (Teltow-Fläming) had to cease operations almost completely due to the containment ordinance - just like other businesses in the hospitality industry, only the sale of meals outside the home and limited operation of the hotel were possible.

He had sued the country for around 27,000 euros for this.

The restaurateur's lawyer announced that he would appeal the decision to the Brandenburg Higher Regional Court.

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