
Berlin (dpa) - The German health authorities reported 26,391 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day.

In addition, 1070 new deaths were recorded within 24 hours, as the RKI announced in the morning.

The high of 1,129 new deaths was reached on December 30th.

Among the new infections registered within 24 hours, the highest value was reported on December 18, at 33,777 - but this included 3500 late reports.

An interpretation of the data remains difficult because around Christmas and the turn of the year corona cases were discovered, recorded and transmitted with a delay, according to the RKI.

According to the Association of Accredited Laboratories in Medicine (ALM), the number of laboratory tests had fallen again over the turn of the year compared to Christmas week.

Compared to the week before Christmas, the number has roughly halved in the past week.


"We expect that more people will be tested again at the beginning of the year with the opening of medical practices and test centers," said the association's first chairman, Michael Müller, on Tuesday.

The RKI assumes that the reporting data on the occurrence of the infection can only be used again at the end of next week / beginning of the week after next.

According to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on January 17th, clarity about the infection process after the holidays is to be gained.

The number of new infections reported to the health authorities within seven days per 100,000 inhabitants (seven-day incidence) was 121.8 on Thursday morning.

Its previous high was reached on December 22nd at 197.6.

The differences between the federal states, however, are enormous: Saxony had the highest incidences with 269.8 and Thuringia with 232.4.

Bremen had the lowest value with 74.0.

Because of the holidays, the weekly values ​​should also be assessed with caution.

The RKI has counted 1,835,038 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 in Germany since the beginning of the pandemic (as of January 7th, 00:00).

The total number of people who died with or with the involvement of a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 37,607. The RKI stated the number of those who had recovered at around 1,474,000.


According to the RKI report on Wednesday, the nationwide seven-day R-value was 0.83 (Tuesday: 0.81).

This means that 100 infected people theoretically infect 83 more people.

The value represents the occurrence of the infection 8 to 16 days ago.

If it is below 1 for a long time, the infection process subsides.

The RKI emphasized that the R-value may be underestimated because of the delays.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210107-99-926912 / 2

RKI dashboard


RKI situation reports

Table incidences