
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for December 15, 2020:

51st calendar week, 350th day of the year

16 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Name day: Christiane, Nina



2019 - The UN climate conference in Madrid ends with the commitment to the goals of the Paris Agreement of 2015. The hoped-for rules for international cooperation, in particular for trading in climate protection credits, do not materialize.

2018 - The European Film Prize is awarded in Seville, Spain.

The best European film is “Cold War” by Polish director Pawel Pawlikowski.

2000 - Almost 15 years after the nuclear explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the last active reactor at the nuclear facility is finally shut down.


2000 - At the end of a four-day UN conference in Palermo, more than 120 countries sign the Convention against Organized Crime.

1995 - The European Court of Justice decides that football players from EU countries can move to another member state without a transfer fee and that clubs can use players from EU countries as often as possible (“Bosman ruling”).

1995 - The World Security Council gives the mandate to the international peacekeeping force for Bosnia IFOR.

This ends the UN mission of the blue helmet soldiers.

1950 - The Bundestag adopts recommendations to conclude denazification in the federal states.

1890 - The Sioux Indian chief, Sitting Bull, is shot dead in a scuffle when he is arrested.

1640 - Duke John of Braganca is officially proclaimed King of Portugal as John IV.

This ends the personal union of the royal houses of Spain and Portugal.



1980 - Annalena Baerbock (40), German politician, Federal Chairwoman of the Greens since January 2018, together with Robert Habeck,

1960 - Fred Kogel (60), German media manager, head of entertainment at the Second German Television (ZDF) 1993-1995.

Program manager of the television channel SAT.1 1995-2000.

Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of KirchMedia 2001-2002.

Chief Executive Officer of Constantin Medien AG 2016-2017.

1955 - Paul Simonon (65), British musician, co-founder and bassist of the British punk band The Clash

1955 - Renate Künast (65), German politician and lawyer, chairwoman of the Bundestag faction of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen 2005-2013, party leader of Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen 2000-2001, Federal Minister for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture 2001-2005

1930 - Edna O'Brien (90), Irish writer ("The Lonely House", "On the River")


2010 - Blake Edwards, American director and film producer (“Victor / Victoria”, “The Pink Panther”, “Breakfast at Tiffany's”), b.


2010 - Peter O. Chotjewitz, German writer (“The Lords of Dawn”, “The Island”) and lawyer: lawyer for RAF terrorist Andreas Baader, b.


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