
Hanover (dpa / lni) - In Lower Saxony, 859 further infections with the corona virus were confirmed by Saturday morning (9:00 a.m.).

The total number rose to 70,092 infections, as the State Health Office in Hanover announced.

The new infections were below the number of 1033 reported cases last Saturday.

Calculated for every 100,000 inhabitants, there were 87.7 new infections in Lower Saxony in the last seven days.

Office spokespersons spoke of “stabilization at a high level” on Friday.

The highest 7-day incidence values ​​were found among the districts and urban districts in Lower Saxony in the districts of Cloppenburg (240.2) and Vechta (217.8).

The districts of Goslar (28.6), Göttingen (34.7) and Cuxhaven (39.9) have the lowest numbers.

According to the State Health Office, 19 people died from Friday to Saturday from or with a Sars-CoV-2 infection.

The total rose to 1,140 deaths since the pandemic broke out.


Data from the State Health Office