US Presidential Election Georgia Recount confirms Biden's victory November 20, 12:01

Southern Georgia, where former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden and President Trump competed fiercely in the US presidential election, announced that a manual recount confirmed Mr. Biden's victory.

In the US presidential election on the 3rd of this month, Southern Georgia secured Biden's victory, but due to the small difference in votes, all votes were manually recounted.

The Secretary of State, who is in charge of the recount, announced on the homepage on the 19th that he confirmed Mr. Biden's victory, saying that "the same winner as the original count was reconfirmed."

According to the materials released, Mr. Biden received 12,780 more votes than President Trump before the recount, but the difference in the number of votes between the two candidates after the recount was 12,284.

President Trump's camp, which continues to claim fraud in the presidential election, is also pursuing recounts in two counties in Midwestern Wisconsin.

However, experts say that recounting is unlikely to overturn the outcome.