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These days, there are cases of using a transparent face shield instead of a mask.

Will it really work?

According to a research team at Florida Atlantic University in the United States, this is not very effective in preventing COVID-19.

The research team sprayed the mixture into the mannequin's mouth at the intensity of coughing and sneezing, and then photographed the flow continuously.

Looking at the results, at first it prevented the water droplets from splashing forward, but we could see that the water droplets that jumped out immediately turned around the guard and spread widely.

In addition, in the mask with a breathing valve, which is often used at work sites, it was also possible to see the water droplets from the mannequin's mouth passing through the valve and spreading around.

"Many people wear transparent face shields and valve masks because they are more comfortable than regular masks," the research team said.

Netizens said, "Even if it's a little uncomfortable, the answer is to wear a mask well as you ask." "If it's easy to breathe, you can get closer to the virus."