Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced the decision to proceed to the next stage of lifting restrictions from June 16. 

He noted that a decrease in the incidence rate continues to be recorded in the city. In particular, the number of people undergoing treatment in coronavirus hospitals in Moscow over the week decreased by 13% - to 8.5 thousand. 

“From tomorrow summer verandas of restaurants and cafes may reopen. The restrictions on the provision of planned care in dental clinics are removed, ”the mayor said in his blog.

In Russia, over the past day, 8,246 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected, while 4,489 people were cured of the disease, 143 patients died.

The largest number of new cases was noted in Moscow - 1359, Moscow region - 689, St. Petersburg - 252.

Thus, the total number of COVID-19 cases registered in the country reached 537,210, for the whole time 284,539 people recovered, 7,091 - died.

At the same time, the chief pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Sergey Avdeev said that an increase in the number of contacts between citizens could lead to an increase in the number of new cases of coronavirus. According to him, in order to protect himself from the disease, “the most important thing here is the very events that doctors, Rospotrebnadzor, and the media talk so much about.”

“We must maintain social distance, wear masks, and gloves on the premises. All this will reduce the risks of a negative scenario, that is, the resumption of growth of a new coronavirus infection. Every citizen can make a positive contribution with his conscious behavior, ”Avdeev said.

Meanwhile, the head of the Moscow Department of Trade and Services, Alexei Nemeryuk, said that on Sunday, June 14, in the capital, nearly 30 trade enterprises were fined for not observing the regime of wearing masks and gloves, and social distance.

“Every day we fine from 30 to 70 objects. Today (June 14th -  RT)  we fined 29 businesses. Three - for maintaining the distance, and 26 - for masks and gloves, ”he said.

Russian regions continue to make decisions on easing or extending restrictive measures depending on the epidemiological situation. So, in the Amur Region, the mandatory 14-day self-isolation for those arriving from other Russian regions was canceled.

Also on RT map: distribution of COVID-19 cases by regions of Russia

“The updated document cancels the mandatory 14-day self-isolation regime for people arriving from other regions of Russia. This is due to the fact that the epidemic process is quite active precisely in the Amur region, the region is approaching the peak of incidence, ”the local government said.

Self-isolation regime is maintained for citizens coming from abroad, the elderly and people with chronic diseases. In addition, the requirement for 14-day quarantine still needs to be respected by visiting shift workers.

In turn, the government of Primorsky Krai decided to extend the high-alert mode until the end of June due to the continued increase in cases of coronavirus infection. The chief sanitary officer of Primorye, Tatyana Detkovskaya, also called for maintaining a self-isolation regime for the elderly and people with a high risk of disease, and keeping the remote work mode in effect.

In addition, due to the risk of the spread of coronavirus in Chelyabinsk and Yakutsk, they decided not to hold the Victory Parade on June 24.

Rospotrebnadzor also made recommendations on preventing the risks of infection with COVID-19, in which it advised hotels not to accommodate people who had not previously been in contact with one room.

The department clarified that the paragraph of the recommendations reads as follows: “accommodation of guests is mainly single, except for family”

“That is, it is recommended not to populate people who are not in contact with each other in ordinary life in order to avoid additional risks of infection with close contact,” RIA Novosti quotes the agency’s message.

In turn, the Federal Tourism Agency explained that tourists who went on vacation together, do not have to show a marriage certificate when checking into the hotel.

Meanwhile, Xu Hejian, the head of the Chinese government’s press service, said during a press conference in Beijing that there was a very high risk of further spread of COVID-19 due to an outbreak in Xinfadi’s largest wholesale market.

Earlier in the course of an epidemiological investigation, a coronavirus was detected there on a cutting board for imported salmon. In the Fengtai area, a wartime regime was introduced - residents must observe a regime of self-isolation and stay at home. 

Hejian noted that the authorities intend to conduct a thorough investigation in the market and in neighboring areas, to identify the source of infection, as well as test the population.