In this fight against the epidemic of New Coronary Pneumonia, Chinese traditional medicine has played a unique role, becoming a highlight of epidemic prevention and control. As an art worker, Dong Xiyuan, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, recently took up a paintbrush and created many anti-epidemic works on the subject of traditional Chinese medicine.

  [Same period] Dong Xiyuan, member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and painter

  The raw materials of traditional Chinese painting pigments are the same as many of the traditional Chinese medicines. If you can show the 21 Chinese paintings of "Qingfei Detox Decoction" with 21 Chinese paintings, then it is the perfect fusion of the two "national essences". It is an honor to pay tribute to Chinese medicine with a brush in his hand.

  In addition, Dong Xiyuan also created a number of works on the theme of "Three Cold Friends" in traditional Chinese culture, such as pine, bamboo, and plum, to show the spirit of medical workers who are not afraid of hardships and brave to take the lead.

  [Same period] Dong Xiyuan, member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and painter

  Countless medical workers and volunteers fought hard on the front line all night, which made me both moved and admired. It is with this respect that I will use the brush in my hand to contribute to the fight against the epidemic.

  At present, Dong Xiyuan has donated his works to the Xiamen Municipal CPPCC, and the proceeds will be used to fight against epidemics in Wuhan.

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]