Edouard Philippe must present this afternoon at 3 p.m. his deconfinement plan, while the coronavirus killed 23,293 people in France. At the same time, an AP-HP study points to the efficacy of tocilizumab for patients in serious condition. Follow the situation live.


While Edouard Philippe must present his deconfinement plan at 3 p.m. to the National Assembly, the coronavirus has killed at least 23,293 dead in France since the beginning of March. At the same time, the first results of a study on a treatment with tocilizumab for patients in serious condition are promising. Follow the situation live.

The main information to remember

  • Édouard Philippe must present his deconfinement plan at 3 p.m. to the National Assembly
  • France has at least 23,293 coronavirus deaths
  • AP-HP says tocilizumab is effective for severely ill patients
  • The pandemic has killed at least 208,973 people worldwide, and three million people infected

Édouard Philippe presents his deconfinement plan at 3 p.m.

After having fixed the last details on Monday at the Élysée Palace with Emmanuel Macron, Olivier Véran and "Monsieur déconfinement" Jean Castex, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe must present his plan for the day after May 11 at 3 p.m. The national assembly. Broadcast live, this speech will be followed by a three-hour debate with MEPs, then a vote. Some MPs opposed the vote in the wake of the debate, asking for more time but Monday morning, but the government opposed them an inadmissibility.

A refusal that has not failed to make several parliamentary groups jump, such as Les Républicains, the Socialist Party or La France insoumise. On Europe 1, Jean-Christophe Lagarde pointed out "the authoritarianism" of the executive. "It seems to be democracy, it's just brutality," also rebelled Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who announced his intention to vote against. For her part, the Secretary of State for the Economy Agnès Pannier-Runacher responded to these criticisms, and estimated on our antenna Monday evening that "the French would not understand that one spends an excessive time there".


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More than 23,200 deaths in France, declining hospitalizations and resuscitation

The last French assessment of the coronavirus reports 23,293 deaths, or 437 more in the past 24 hours. In detail, the epidemic killed 14,497 people in hospitals and 8,796 in social and medico-social establishments. But, glimmer of hope, the balances of hospitalizations and resuscitations are always in decline. There have been 162 fewer hospitalizations since Sunday, out of a total of 28,055 people, and 4,608 patients in intensive care, or 74 fewer in 24 hours. 

Tocilizumab effective for patients in severe condition

The immunomodulatory drug tocilizumab, commonly used against rheumatoid arthritis, has shown to be effective in preventing "inflammatory storms" in Covid-19 patients in serious condition, according to a French study not yet published. This treatment "significantly reduced the number of patients who go to intensive care", explained to the microphone of Europe 1 Professor Olivier Hermine, coordinator of this trial at the AP-HP. "And when we don't go to resuscitation, we are much more likely to survive." 

These results have yet to be refined and "consolidated" and will be published in a scientific journal in a few weeks.

Amazon extends warehouse closures again 

The American giant decided on Monday to extend the closure of its French distribution centers until May 5. Last Friday, Amazon had already announced an extended closure of its warehouses until April 28, after confirmation the same day of the court decision imposing on it a risk assessment linked to the coronavirus epidemic. The company had also indicated on Twitter to be "puzzled by the decision", and to assess "the implications".

>> PODCAST -  Coronavirus: find all the answers to your questions here

Almost 209,000 deaths and over 3 million cases worldwide

The pandemic has killed at least 208,973 people worldwide since its onset in December in China, according to an assessment by AFP from official sources Monday at 7 p.m. GMT. At least 3,003,344 cases of infection, among which 209,388 deaths, have been recorded, especially in Europe, the continent most affected with 1,393,779 cases and 126,223 deaths, as well as in the United States, country where the pandemic is currently progressing the fastest.

The United States is also the most affected country, with 55,563 deaths, including at least 1,388 recorded in 24 hours. Italy follows with 26,977 deaths for 199,414 cases, Spain with 23,521 deaths (209,465 cases), France with 23,293 deaths (165,842 cases), and the United Kingdom with 21,092 deaths (157,149 cases). British figures do not take into account retirement homes where several thousand elderly people have died, according to industry representatives.