China News Service, April 25. Real-time statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States show that as of 5:30 on the 25th, Beijing time, there were more than 2.79 million cases of new coronavirus infections and more than 195,000 deaths. In response to the new crown epidemic, WHO launched a "milestone" international cooperation; more than 50,000 deaths in the United States; the British Prime Minister may resume work in recent days; and many countries in the Middle East continue to implement restrictive measures.

Data map: World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tan Desai. China News Service reporter Peng Dawei

WHO launches "milestone" international cooperation

  World Health Organization Director General Tan Desai announced on the 24th that he officially launched a "milestone" international cooperation initiative to accelerate the development, production and fair distribution of new coronary pneumonia-related vaccines, diagnostic tools and treatment tools.

  In the video conference on the same day, Tan Desai announced that WHO and its global partners will jointly launch this international cooperation initiative called "Access to New Coronary Pneumonia Tool Accelerator", which will bring together multiple organizations, public and private sectors, etc. Join forces to develop R & D and production at a faster speed and on a larger scale.

  UN Secretary General Guterres stressed at the meeting that the new coronary pneumonia vaccine and diagnostic tools should be available to everyone.

On April 22, local time, customers wear masks at a Costco supermarket in San Mateo County, San Francisco Bay Area, USA. China News Service reporter Liu Guanguan

Outbreak of another US destroyer

Latin American exports may be hit hard by epidemic

  According to real-time data from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, there are more than 890,000 cases of new coronavirus infections and more than 51,000 deaths in the United States. Following the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt, the destroyer USS Kidd sent to the Caribbean / Eastern Pacific region to carry out its mission also broke out with a new crown epidemic. There are currently 18 infected people. The naval medical team is conducting contact tracing and isolating individuals who may be exposed.

  In Latin America, as of the 23rd, the cumulative number of confirmed cases has exceeded 135,000 cases. The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean recently predicted that exports from Latin America and the Caribbean will decline by 15% in 2020. It is reported that Latin America has adopted restrictive measures for epidemic prevention and the reduction of external demand is the main reason for the decline in trade, of which the export of agricultural products and commodities fell the most.

On April 24 local time, workers at a beach club in Italy wore masks and gloves to prepare for the reopening of the resort.

West, Italy single-day death growth hit a new low in a month

British Prime Minister may rework as early as 27th

  Italy and Spain are the countries with the worst epidemics in Europe. After taking corresponding measures, the epidemic has stabilized. The newly confirmed data of Germany, France, and Britain also declined, and many European countries planned to "unblock".

  The data released by the Italian Civil Protection Department on the 24th showed that Italy had 420 new death cases in the new crown that day, the lowest daily increase since March 18, with a cumulative total of 25969 deaths. 3,021 newly diagnosed cases were added, with a total of 192,994 cases.

  There were 367 new deaths in Spain on the 24th, which was also the lowest in a month. At present, there are nearly 220,000 confirmed diagnoses and more than 22,000 deaths in the country. Health Department official Fernando Simon said at the press conference that day, "We are facing the best data from the past few weeks." He believes that some of the previous recovery measures "have no significant impact on the spread of the disease."

  The British Ministry of Health said on the 24th that the country has accumulated more than 143,000 new crown cases and more than 19,000 deaths. A spokesman for the British Prime Minister Johnson said on the 24th that Johnson, who had previously been infected with the new coronavirus, is still recovering in the rural mansion. As for when to return to work, he will follow the doctor's advice. British media reported that Johnson plans to return to work as early as the 27th.

  As of 24th, France had a total of more than 122,000 diagnosed cases and a total of more than 22,000 deaths. French circles are now engaged in intense discussions on how to "unblock". French President Macron held a video conference with hotel and restaurant operators on the 24th to discuss the steps to "unblock" restaurants and cafes. Hotels and restaurants hope to resume business as soon as possible, but Macron is cautious.

  The Russian Epidemic Prevention Headquarters reported on the 24th that Russia had 5849 new cases of new coronavirus infection on the same day, with a total of 68622 diagnosed cases; 60 new death cases with a total of 615 deaths. Among them, more than 36,000 cases were diagnosed in Moscow. Deputy Mayor Anastasia Lakova said that the Moscow health system is operating at its limits, but I believe it will definitely defeat the new crown virus.

On April 17, local time, a Tokyo post employee was handing out free masks to residents. Previously, the Japanese government made a commitment to distribute two reusable cloth masks to each family in Japan.

Japan no longer allows mild patients to convalesce at home

Australia may relax social restrictions after 3 weeks

  Up to now, there have been 12,863 cases of new coronavirus infections in Japan and 345 deaths. Recently, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare decided to change the policy regarding the nursing homes for patients with mild illnesses, instead of allowing patients to convalesce at home, but basically convalescing in accommodation facilities.

  Australian Prime Minister Morrison said on the 23rd that the social restrictions currently implemented in the country may begin to relax after 3 weeks. Murphy, the country ’s chief medical officer, also said that allowing small groups to gather may be the first step in relaxing restrictions on the new crown epidemic. So far, 6,661 people in the country have been infected with the new coronavirus and 75 people have died.

  In addition, the Sri Lankan military issued a statement on the evening of the 23rd, saying that a naval sailor who was on vacation suddenly fell ill and was subsequently diagnosed with new coronavirus. At present, at least 30 sailors at the Welisara Naval Base have tested positive for new coronavirus.

A huge clock is placed on the streets of the Eminonu area in Istanbul, Turkey.

Ramadan restrictions in many countries in the Middle East

Israel pushes emergency assistance plan

  At present, many countries in the Middle East have entered Ramadan. The Ministry of the Interior of Turkey previously stated in the Ramadan epidemic prevention regulations released to the whole country that, due to the need for epidemic prevention and control, this year Ramadan will ban all activities such as Iftar, Suhour and other activities that may cause people to gather. The total number of new crown cases in Turkey was 104,912, and 2,600 deaths.

  The Egyptian Ministry of Health said on the evening of the 24th that there were 201 newly diagnosed new crown cases in Egypt, with a total of 4,092 confirmed cases; 7 new death cases and a total of 294 deaths. Egyptian Prime Minister Madbuli announced on the 23rd that in order to control the development of the new crown epidemic, Egypt will continue to implement a nationwide curfew during Ramadan this year.

  Israel has accumulatively diagnosed 14,803 cases and accumulated 192 deaths. The Israeli Prime Minister ’s Office issued a statement on the 24th that the government approved an emergency assistance plan with a total amount of 8 billion new shekels (about 16.1 billion yuan), designed to help small businesses and freelancers affected by the new crown epidemic. Get through.