China News Service, April 22, according to the Singapore Straits Times, the Singapore Ministry of Health said on the 22nd that as of noon on that day, Singapore had newly added 1016 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia, with a cumulative total of 10141 cases.

  According to reports, 15 of the new cases were Singaporeans and permanent residents, and most of the rest were foreign workers living in dormitories.

  The Ministry of Health in Singapore said it is still studying the details of the new cases and will provide further updates later.

  Recently, the number of confirmed cases in Singapore has surged, mainly due to the outbreak of concentrated foreign workers living in dormitories. Singaporean authorities have also conducted rigorous tests on workers living in such dormitories.

  Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced on the 21st that the virus blocking measures will be extended for four weeks until June 1.

  In addition, the school holidays originally scheduled to begin in June this year will be early to May 5 and end on June 1.

  All students in kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, primary schools, high schools and special schools of the Ministry of Education of Singapore will be affected by this adjustment.