This was reported by TASS with reference to the operational headquarters for monitoring and monitoring the situation with coronavirus.

It is clarified that the number of deaths exceeded 200 after 28 people in Moscow died due to the virus.

“In Moscow, 28 patients died who were diagnosed with pneumonia and tested positive for coronavirus infection ... Most patients had concomitant diseases. Among them - hypertension, pyelonephritis, heart disease, myasthenia gravis ... Three of those who died suffered from diabetes. Two others had chronic bronchitis, ”the headquarters noted.

Earlier it was reported that the deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma, Ivan Zhukov, died at the age of 63 after being infected with the coronavirus infection COVID-19. 

The 360 ​​channel reported that the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, expressed his condolences on the death of Zhukov.