“There is a task of ensuring access control, the second task is to minimize the problems that arise. Is it possible to do this right away, in a few hours - obviously, not. Debugging occurs, ”said Peskov.

Commenting on the lines in the subway, a spokeswoman said that "this is bad."

“This is dangerous, it is very undesirable and this is what the leadership of Moscow is trying to prevent,” he added.

Peskov noted that there is also a problem in indiscipline.

“The first morning, a gigantic city, naturally, it cannot be quite smooth. We, on the contrary, should strive to help the work of this system. It is in our common interests, ”he said.

Earlier, the police reported that the traffic police will check all vehicles at the entrance to Moscow from April 15, drivers and passengers will be asked to present a special permit. On Wednesday morning, traffic jams formed in the MKAD area.