The rally was expected. Former Democratic President Barack Obama announced on Tuesday (April 14th) in a video his support for Joe Biden during the American presidential election in November.

"I think Joe has all the qualities we need in a president right now," said Barack Obama. "Joe has the temper and the experience to guide us through some of our darkest hours and heal us in a long recovery," he added, "and that is why I am proud to support Joe Biden to become President of the United States. "

I'm proud to endorse my friend @JoeBiden for President of the United States. Let's go:

- Barack Obama (@BarackObama) April 14, 2020

Valuable support

Joe Biden was his right-hand man in the White House for eight years (2009-2017) and he never stopped, in the campaign, to recall his good relations with Barack Obama.

The support of the former president, still very popular among Democrats, is precious for Joe Biden, 77, who must rally the party after the abandonment of his rival Bernie Sanders if he wants to beat Donald Trump on November 3.

After his victory, Joe Biden is expected to be officially nominated as a candidate at a Democratic convention on August 17. But for the moment, the electoral campaign is muted because of the Covid-19 pandemic, which put an end to all rallies, public meetings and other door-to-door meetings.

As in 2016

Very discreet since leaving the White House in January 2017, Barack Obama waited for the clear victory of Joe Biden and the rallying of the champion of the left Bernie Sanders to decide.

In launching his candidacy in April 2019, Joe Biden said he had "asked President Obama" not to support him in the race for the Democratic nomination. In reality, the former president probably did not intend to interfere in the Democratic primary until there was a winner. In 2016, Barack Obama had already waited for Hillary Clinton's victory against Bernie Sanders, in June, to line up behind the candidate.

With AFP

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