• Coronavirus, The video message of the President of the EU Commission: "We are all Italians"


March 19, 2020

"We have an investment initiative. Because there are unused structural funds. Italy should have given them back to us: we decided instead to leave them, to spend them where they will be most useful. For example on the labor market. They are eleven billion". So the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on the microphones of Tg1.

Maximum flexibility for Italy
"We must grant new loans with an increase in public debt. The Stability Pact will grant Italy maximum flexibility", therefore announced von der Leyen, adding that there will also be "maximum flexibility on state aid". "It is important - he explained - because in this way Italy will be able to invest in healthcare, tourism, transport, for the benefit of SMEs".

2 million Chinese masks on the way
China "is sending us two million operating theater masks, another two hundred thousand security masks and fifty thousand swabs. We will send them where there is the greatest need in the EU, that is, in Italy. We will send them within the next week" concluded the president of the European Commission.

"Positive barnier? I'm definitely fine"
I'm definitely fine, thirteen days have already passed since I met Michel Barnier for the last time, so in a few hours any risk of incubation will be excluded "finally assured von der Leyen in reference to the coronavirus positivity of the chief negotiator of the EU for Brexit, Michel Barnier, the President of the Commission will however carry out the test.