On the eve of the European Parliament elections, the class struggle is intensifying.

Out of fear of the arrival of right-wing parties, panicky eyes turn to what Ursula von der Leyen has done during her tenure at the head of the European Commission, whose activities in office led to a de facto strengthening of Eurosceptic sentiment throughout the union.

A new bell rang in the German newspaper Die Welt (and Madame is still a member of the CDU party in Germany). The headline alone is worth it: “Ursula von der Leyen’s track record is disastrous.”

The newspaper is skimmed, of course, at the top, but this is quite enough - previously such texts in pro-government media were simply impossible:

“The EU is constantly tormenting European companies with new rules and bans. Instead of promoting free trade, commission chair Ursula von der Leyen travels around the world giving moralizing speeches. However, the most serious mistake was made during the coronavirus pandemic.

The European Union is floundering in a swamp. The EU Commission expects only a slight increase this year. The combination of the energy crisis, geopolitical tensions and high interest rates is affecting not only Germany, but almost all member countries. Under the leadership of commission chair Ursula von der Leyen, the international community is moving further and further away from the principles of market economics that once guaranteed rising prosperity."

It’s good that in this debriefing of the “Empress of the European Union”, which Madame von der Leyen imagines herself to be, there is no mention of either Russia or Putin. The fact is that it was under her that the European Commission became the main promoter of American ideas, and on this basis, it was she, and not V.V., who was engaged in the destruction of the European economy. Putin.

In an unprecedented growth of bureaucracy in the European Union, Madame is destroying freedom of enterprise - the cornerstone of Western democracy.

The author of the article writes: “Almost no freedom of enterprise. Under the banner of a Green Deal to achieve climate goals, companies are subject to intimidation and the constant introduction of new rules, prohibitions and documentation requirements. Such control is neither environmentally nor cost effective. This is another reason why the EU is rapidly losing ground compared to the US.”

After the head of the EC successfully completed a deal that was not controlled by anyone personally with Pfizer director Burla for more than €70 billion, and then wiped out all SMS negotiations with him, she completely lost the boundaries of what was permitted. And open threats to “destroy the Hungarian economy” for disagreement - this in itself could collapse the European Union.

That is, European bureaucrats really believe that they are barons and princes, and all other Europeans are in their service. Democratic principles have already been destroyed. The servants of the European peoples turned into usurpers of unlimited power.

And Ursula von der Leyen’s current determination to plunge the EU into even greater debt in order to “help Ukraine” is also shaking the union.

But instead of helping the economy of the union, madam travels around the world and manages to lecture even those countries that could continue their partnership with the EU. He wags his finger and makes political labels.

But I’m wondering: what does she know about Macron and Merkel, that they pushed her into this place without any elections at all?

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.