Sofia Hassel started out figure skating early on, but at the age of ten she switched to speed skating instead because she likes high speed.

- I competed in skating for many years. Among other things, in the junior World Cup, senior European Championship and World Cup. It was an incredible time and I got to travel a lot and it has meant a lot to me, says Sofia Hassel.

She stopped competing at a high level in 2008 and now she supports young people in the club IK Wega as often as she can. But she has not stopped competing, because during Saturday's competitions in speed skating at Ruddalen's sports center in Gothenburg she competed in 1000 meters and 1500 meters. The others who participated came from a couple of clubs in Gothenburg and from a club in Trollhättan.

"Classic win sports"

The sport was great during the 60s, 70s, and 80s, according to Jonas Erkman, chairman of IK Wega.

- Unfortunately, it has decreased slightly over the years, but now we are building up the business again. It is a classic Swedish winter sport.

According to him, his club IK Wega now has about 20 children and young people who train.

- Speed ​​skating is about going as fast as possible on an ice skating rink while long-distance skiers are more on lakes and on the sea and go if it is cold enough.

15-year-old Lova Nyström Eliasson has been skating for four years and on Saturday she competed in different classes.

- I compete in 500 meters, 1000 and 1500 meters today. But it blows so much so it can probably be a little difficult, I guess, she guessed before the competition.

Sofia Hassel won the distance 500 meters and Lova Nyström Eliasson came third in the same distance.

See the clip from Saturday's competition.