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Senegalese footballer Sadio Mané at the CAF award of the best African player on January 7, 2020. REUTERS / Amr Abdallah Dalsh

Abortive return for Sadio Mané. The African Player of the Year 2019, crowned this January 7, 2020 in Hurghada in Egypt by the African Football Confederation (CAF), was expected in Dakar on January 8 in the early afternoon. Finally, change of program: his jet continued its journey, towards Liverpool, his club in England.

Yes, the Senegalese presidency confirmed it to RFI, as well as other sources. Sadio Mané will not be back in the country this Wednesday, January 8, as expected ... Officially, we are talking about an " administrative problem ". His private jet, coming from Hurghada in Egypt, would not have obtained the stopover authorization in Tunis.

Observers in the football community were already skeptical about the announcement of his return, knowing that an English Championship match of his club, Liverpool, is scheduled this Saturday against the Londoners of Tottenham and that a training of " Reds' is slated for Liverpool this afternoon.

A catch-up session on January 12 or 13 ?

It is in any case a cold shower for the fans of Sadio Mané, for the Senegalese very proud of the trophy presented last night by CAF and who were preparing a welcome committee at the airport, with a crowd bath. A ceremony was then planned in his honor at the end of the afternoon in Dakar, at the museum of black civilizations. The program also included a private audience with President Macky Sall. It missed.

But this is only part postponed according to the presidency, which announces a postponement of the ceremony, in the presence of the champion, on January 12 or 13.