The company Läkarleasing is Sweden's largest lessor of healthcare personnel with both regions and municipalities as customers. This year, in Värmland Sunne, Läkarleasing won a procurement of nursing services.

The deal was appealed by a competitor who thought the company was an inappropriate supplier, partly because it would have given an illegal loan to its principal owner. But Sunne replied to the court that one could not confirm ("testify") any illegal loan and the court found that the issue was thus not investigated. But that was not the case.

Got illegal loan confirmed

In fact, Sunne had the illegal loan confirmed, which was also written in a first version of the letter to the court, which Sunne later accidentally sent to SVT News.

But after Sunne phoned Doctors' Leasing and obtained an explanation, they simply removed the information from the letter to the court.

- Well there was an unauthorized loan. It was really ignorance, they had changed CFO, changed accountants. There were reasons. We accepted that explanation, says Katarina Gip, contractor in Sunne Municipality.

Stroke "swaying" about the company's finances

The municipality also coined another wording that it looked "a little swayed" with the Medical Leasing economy.

- I always send a draft for translation to our lawyer, so it will be the right language sent to the administrative law, explains Katarina Gip.

Can you understand that it might be a little strange to express it so differently in the first draft and in the final version?

- Yes, I might understand that.

Katarina Gip, contractor Sunne Municipality Photo: SVT

The Administrative Court rejected the appeal, and it cannot be said that the ruling would have been different had it been known about the million loan. But the statement bought by the municipality of Sunne was not bought by the Swedish Crime Authority. The principal owner of medical leasing was already prosecuted and later sentenced in the district court for the illegal loan.

When the case in February goes up in court, the principal owner wants to be released while the prosecutor wants him sentenced to prison. It is stated from Läkarleasing that the principal owner is neither a member of the company's management nor the board of directors.