ERC continues to make progress in the negotiation with the PSOE, waiting for the State Advocacy to publish a report in which it is positioned in favor of the release of Oriol Junqueras to accredit itself as a MEP. However, the independence formation rules out giving the green light to the agreement with the Socialists to invest Pedro Sánchez until January.

Sources of the Republican formation have denied that the National Consell of the party can meet "before the end of the year" to vote on the pact with the Socialists. Republicans remember that the approval of this internal body is "essential to close a possible agreement," which makes it difficult for the investiture of the socialist candidate to occur on January 5, as Sanchez would wish.

Republicans are less in a hurry than the Socialists, especially given the possibility that the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, was disabled on Friday, the 3rd by the Central Electoral Board. An unforeseen element for negotiators that would make it difficult for Junqueras to invest a president of the Government while the Generalitat is losing office.

However, the positions are approaching and this is recognized by the formation chaired by Oriol Junqueras, which "will analyze internally the proposal of the PSOE and the state of the negotiation in the coming days." The first analysis will take place on the afternoon of this Monday, when ERC plans to meet its executive to discuss whether the PSOE's proposals meet its claims. After the conclave, it will remain silent.

So that the agreement ends up crystallizing, the positioning of the Advocacy will be decisive, but also that the Socialists will shield a bilateral dialogue table in which ERC can at least raise the holding of a referendum of self-determination and that is integrated by members of the respective Governments, and not of the parties as the PSOE intended. Torra's recognition as an interlocutor and the need to solve the "Catalan conflict with dialogue" have already been assumed by the Socialists.

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