Five people who were meeting to celebrate the Jewish lights (Hanukkah) were injured in a white weapon stab attack that targeted a rabbi's house near New York, according to the American authorities and a Jewish association.

The Orthodox Jewish Council for Public Affairs said in his account on the social networking site «Twitter»: “There was a call indicating a group stabbing operation against the home of Rabbi Hasidi, and five people who were stabbed were transferred to local hospitals and all of them were Hasidic Jews,” noting that two of them were in critical condition. .

CBS TV reported that a man carrying a cleaver stormed the house of the rabbi in Muncie, 50 km north of New York, where a group of people were celebrating "Hanukkah".

The Ramabo district police chief announced the arrest of a suspect, and an eyewitness told the New York Times that the white weapon used by the attacker was "the size of a broom stick."

The United States has witnessed several attacks against Jews during the past years, the last of which was on the tenth of December, when a shooting attack took place in a Jewish store in Jersey City in New York suburbs, killing four people, in addition to killing the two attackers, and the police considered the attack a "terrorist act" Internally it stems from anti-Semitism and anti-security ideas. ”