Yokohama (Japan) (AFP)

England coach Eddie Jones has admitted that "South Africa was too strong" for the XV of the Rose and that the Springboks "deserved" their victory on Saturday in the final of the World Cup (32-12) .

Q: How do you feel after this heavy defeat in the World Cup final?

A: "It was obviously not the result we wanted, but South Africa deserved a win, they played very well and they were too strong for us. When we had opportunities, we did not know how to get in. It was just one of his days when South Africa was too strong for us. "

Q: What happened?

A: "I do not really know, we had problems in the scrum, we had trouble, especially in the first half, we made some changes in the second and it allowed us to come back a bit. South Africa was better, we did not think that would be the case but it happens in rugby ... "

Q: You have been dominated like never before.

A: "I do not know why we played so badly, it's one of those things that happens in high-level rugby, the preparation was good, I think, maybe not that much, in the end, because We did not play well, you can have the most complete debriefing possible and even then you will not know it happens It was not the right day for it to happen ... We will be frustrated For four years, it's never easy being frustrated for four years, we're extremely disappointed, but I have a lot of admiration for these players, they worked very hard and they did not win. is not a lack of effort. "

Q: You've been in the Springbok staff (as a consultant in 2007, Ed), you've faced them as a coach ... what makes them so strong?

A: "You have to be able to break their game, to stay in the fight, when you have opportunities, you have to know how to seize them, I feel we were in the game for 50 minutes: at that moment There were still chances, but we did not know how to take a chance, especially in the first half, they took theirs and that made the difference. "

Q: How would you like to be remembered for this team?

A: "We're the second best team in the world, we did not reach our goal, we wanted to be first, it's not the case, we have the silver medal, it's not as good as the first one. But these players have all given their all for this World Cup, they have been incredibly well prepared, they have played with great pride and passion, they have worked hard, they are the kind of things that happen. You can not doubt the efforts of these guys ... they are extraordinary, why did not we do it, I'm not sure, sometimes you do not know. "

Q: What's next now?

A: "The only thing that matters to us now is to go and drink a few beers, that's the only thing that matters now, and then we'll have some beers tomorrow (Sunday) and some more beers Monday, after that, we'll have to move on. "

Interviewed at a press conference.

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