He said this, commenting on the criticism of the American Republican Senator Lindsay Graham regarding the White House policy on the US presence in Syria.

President Trump responds to Lindsey Graham's criticism of the president's decision to withdraw US troops from Syria: "Lindsey and I feel differently. I think Lindsey would like to stay there for the next 200 years" https://t.co/Josypguxu1pic.twitter .com / 9eKMm2a7OT

- ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) October 9, 2019

“I will go much further than just sanctions, much further. Lindsay and I have different views, I think that Lindsay would like us to stay there for another 200 years and add a couple more hundred thousand people there, ”Trump said.

Earlier, Graham called for “praying for the Kurdish allies of the United States,” which are located in northern Syria, which the Trump administration “shamelessly abandoned.”

On October 9, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the start of the Turkish Armed Forces operation in Syria. The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the start of a ground attack.

Belgium's Permanent Representative to the UN Mark Pexten said that France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland and Belgium will request a meeting of the UN Security Council in connection with the situation.